First Day of Training

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I woke up to my alarm clock: "Get your ass up Riley" Jay's voice rang out through the clock. I was feeling sore in my legs. Last night I over thought what my mom meant. I can't believe that Cayden and Dillon was making us wake up at 5:00 A.M just to train. Unbelievable.

I didn't bother showering, what's the point if I'm gonna be sweaty afterwards anyways? However I still brushed my teeth. After I was done, I threw on my black adidas sweatpants and a pale blue t-shirt. Then I put on some random sneakers I had in my closet and ran down the stairs.

Through the window, I could see some people already walking to the Pack house. Those were the people that lived somewhere else. I only had 10 minutes left. I didn't have time to make breakfast so I grabbed 2 raspberry nutri grain bars and a strawberry yogurt smoothie. I sat at the island and started to eat but froze when I felt strong arms wrap around my waist.

I didn't have to turn around to see who it was because I could feel the sparks and tingles soar through my body. Snapping back to reality, I grabbed his arms and threw them off of me. " That wasn't nessacery" I say sternly while opening my second nutri grain bar.

He goes around the island and takes a seat in front of me. As a response he shrugs. I sigh and continue to eat. I only had 3 minutes left so I took my yogurt smoothie and gulped it down. After basically slurping up the whole bottle, I run out the door.


When everyone was packed inside the Pack gym, Cayden and Dillon started talking their shit, but this time Jay and I were up there with them. "Now we will all go for a run." Cayden commanded in his Alpha voice. Some people flinched, others of higher ranks nodded.

Our run was ok. We ran for 1 hour nonstop. No water breaks, no complaining, no stopping. Running around the perimeter (which is HUGE) about 15 times. My legs felt like Jello but I ignored it. I was too busy being happy that we finished to notice them. I was not looking forward for tomorrow's run or any run after that.

They split us up into groups. The lowest group and second lowest would stay in the gym. The others will spread out into stations outside. I was in the second strongest group, which consisted of me, a girl named Natalie, a boy named Roger, another girl named Susan, and one more boy named Kyle.

Jay wasn't allowed to fight, but she was allowed to train with us. Surprisingly, she was in the strongest group. She kept smirking at me while Cayden and Dillon explained what was gonna happen. I rolled my eyes at her but still smiled.


Training went like this : One person from the strong group would guide the other groups for today and the other days. Cayden "coincidentally" picked my group. But I think we all know the reason why.........

Everyone in the group got a chance to fight with him but I got pissed off when Natalie started flirting with him and when Susan was fighting him, she purposely fell and had him carry her back to her room. It was like he didn't even notice that I was there.

I was the last person to fight. I took deep breaths as I stepped up in front of him. I don't know if this is possible but it was like he was smirking through his eyes. I got lost in them, they were crystal blue and had many emotions swimming in them. One of those emotions was lust. That bastard. I didn't get any warning for when we were starting. But I knew that we started when he started moving around me in circles.

I did the same, ready to attack at any moment. He didn't make any moves so I decided to. I aimed my legs at his stomach and kicked but he quickly dodged. I 'gotta admit, it was quite embarrassing. Everyone from our group was just staring.

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