I'm back!!! :)

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I am finally back. It feels so good to actually touch a phone screen again. I had an amazing trip!


Cayden was being a total asswipe. He was still in the hospital bed with a broken rib cage, and he wanted to get up and go check on everybody. "You have to stay in bed" I ordered.

"I 'gotta check on my Pack" He grunted in pain. "See you can't even talk" I smirked. He had told me everything that had happened with Destiny and him. That didn't mean we were together again.

I was still with Chris and he was still with any living thing that had a vagina.

"Ughh, fine" He frowned. I pumped my fist in the air which earned a chuckle from Cayden. "I'll stay if you kiss me" He waggled his eyebrows. "Absolutely not" I say shocked. Though in the inside I was screaming.

"Fine, see you later" He said, trying to get off the bed. "No wait Cayden you have to stay in bed!!" I scream. "Fine then where's the kiss?" He smirked. I sighed and leaned forward. I quickly pecked his cheek then pulled away.

"That's all I get?" He asked. "It isn't right to kiss you when I have a boyfriend and we're not together" I say, looking down at the ground."You scared?" He asked.

I did not see his face but I swear I could hear a smirk in his voice. My head snapped up and I gave him a warning look. " I don't care what you think of me, at least I know how to keep myself to one person and am not a no good lying player." I spat out.

The smirk dropped from his face. I realized what I said and tried to apologize but he waved me off. "I know what you said about me is true, you don't have to apologize" He said giving me a small smile. "I'm so sorry" I whisper. I hear him chuckle. "It's okay".

He pulls me to him and sits me on his lap. He grunts in pain but holds me tighter. I try to get up but he has his arms around me like an iron grip."No" He says in his deep, raspy, sexy voice that makes me shiver with delight.

I feel him inhale my scent. Dr. Nelson barges into the room. "Oh, sorry if I was interrupting something but I need to check on the Alpha and Luna........uh......your........... boyfriend is here to see you" He says awkwardly. Like if he is afraid of what Cayden will say to that.

I nodded and quickly got off Cayden's lap. I mentally thanked Dr. Nelson and walked out. Upstairs, Chris was waiting for me on the couch. Talking to Dana, Chloe's friend. He actually looked like he was enjoying himself.

I cleared my throat. Their heads snapped up, Dana smirked and didn't have any hint of self shame. Chris on the other hand looked shocked. "We should get going" He mumbled. I silently followed him out to his car.

We were going to Matt's new apartment. Jay was already. I was kind of hesitant to leave Cayden when he was really hurt, but he must of known because he said I should go. After 1 hour of arguing, I gave up.

"What was that back in the house?" I asked him as he got pass territory patrol, which has increased because Dillon and Cayden thinks that Destiny will come back and finish me off for good. "Oh nothing. Just small talk." Chris said glancing at me from the corner of his eyes.

"Why do you care anyway?" He asked. "Oh no reason in particular. Just curious is all"

"Stay away from that friend of yours. What's his name? Chase? Cayden?"

My head snapped up at that.

"I'm sorry, I don't know who the fuck you think you are but you can't tell me who and who I can't hang out with" I spat at him. "I'm your boyfriend, if I want you to stay away from a boy I don't like then you will stay away from him" He said, a warning in his voice.

"I'm sorry. But if you think you can just squeeze yourself into my personal life and tell me who to be friends with you are completely wrong. Cayden and I had a better relationship than you and I did. And I'm not gonna give up being friends with him for some selfish prick. We're done" I say stubbornly.

"You don't dump me, I dump you!" He screamed, swerving the car to the side of the road and killing the engine. "Well it looks like I killed your vibe" I smirk as I get out of the car and slam the door extra hard with my werewolf strength.

"Oh and by the way, if you're gonna trick me into thinking that you didn't kiss Dana then you should have checked out those swollen lips" I yelled behind me as I walk the last 5 minutes to Matt's apartment.

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