Memories.....More Like Nightmares

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As soon as we got home I went into my room. Of course I wasn't telling Cayden about my encounter with Destiny. He didn't need to worry about another thing. He had too much on his plate already. And he would probably be like " I told you so". No thank you.

I just needed to think things through. Jay is off somewhere with Dillon and everyone else is doing their own thing, I was just stuck by myself. Not like I minded anyways. I laid down on my bed and stared at my mint colored ceiling with black polka dots. I hated it.

After a while, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


I was walking in the woods. The only thing covering my body was a silky white dress that went to my ankles. I followed the sound of screams and painful howls until I came to a clearing.

In the clearing was a war. But not just any war, the war where my parents died. I saw Cayden's dad fighting and some other people that I recognized. It's like I went back in time to that very day. I walked closer in looking for my parents but got stopped my me.

The younger version of me ran into the war, even though her parents said to stay in the house. She fought against a rogue the same size as her. She kept it going ignoring the humongous rogues until she heard the most horrendous scream ever. Her moms scream. Her mother had saved her.

A rogue was aiming to attack her but her mother jumped in the way instead.

I took a step back as blood splattered over my white silky dress.

She raced to her moms side at once her older brother following. She knelt down next to her and put her mothers head in her lap, stroking her hair. Her mother leaned forward and said something to her: " Beware of her". Her mother closed her eyes.

By that time her father was already dead.

Time went faster and it felt like a wave was pulling me. I was now standing behind the girl and her brother. Her brother was crying and pointing an accusing finger at his sister. "You. It was all your fault. Mom said to stay in the house but you had to jump in!" He sobbed.

The girl tried to apologize but ended up crying in her hands. Her brother pushed her to the ground and kicked her head. The girl laid unconscious as a pool of blood surrounded her head.

Another wave pulled me and I was in the pack house. The girl was balancing a tray of food on her hands. She was walking to the dining room where 26 hungry teenagers were waiting, a girl that looked like Destiny. Correction was Destiny, tripped her. Food went flying everywhere.

Cayden stood up and started yelling at the girl. The angry teenagers started picking up the food and throwing it at her. She lay on the ground in a ball sobbing incredibly hard.

I watched, tears escaping my eyes. There was nothing I could do.


I woke up with a pool of sweat surrounding me. I didn't have a nightmare but I had a dream of my past. That "girl" was me. Those were all my memories. And trust me none of them were good. I try my best not to remember my parents or that awful day.

I reach for my air conditioner control and turn it on. I then lay back down and stare at my ceiling again in thought.

What did my mom mean by "Beware of her?"

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