A New Start

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The ride back home was silent. But not an awkward silent, a comfortable silence. Every time Cayden opened his mouth to say something, he would close it again. I think that he thinks I'm mad at him. It may look like it but I am elated. He stole my first kiss, and it was romantic,gentle and passionate , and with the person I loved, just like I wanted my first kiss to be. I was debating whether I should tell Jay about this or not. Maybe I should.

" I'm not mad at you, you know? " I said using the courage I had to look up at him. He sighed, " Phew. I thought you were angry" he said a wave of relief washing over his face. " Why would I? I asked, I honestly didn't know. "'Cause you hate me, and you wouldn't want your first kiss to be with the person you hate." Cayden said guiltily. " I never said I hate you....."

" Really? 'Cause it sure seems like it." He said.

" Can we just start over, as friends?" He asked me hopefully.

" I would love that!" I say giving him a small smile. I turn on the radio and Story of my Life by One Direction starts playing. Yass, I'm not a huge 1D fan, hut they are so talented!! I ❤️them. Cayden rolled his eyes. " What?" I ask him. " Its just I don't like them" he says. I fake a heart attack holding my chest. " You gotta at least love Zayn right?" I asked him. " Nope". I was gonna die right there!! Who doesn't love Zayn Malik?!?

I decided to keep my mouth shut the rest of the way. I didn't want to start new trouble. He pulled into the driveway of the Alpha Mansion, I was about to unbuckle my seat belt when he put his hand over mine to stop me. Butterflies erupted in my stomach giving me a warm feeling. I looked at him confused, he leaned in and gave me a small kiss. It wasn't completely a make out session, but more like a short kiss. I Didn't react to it, but I really liked it. He gave me a small smile before getting out of the car and opening the door for me, I got out a bewildered expression on my face.

So far........best night I have ever had!!!!!

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;NEXT MORNING

So far my Sunday morning has been great, everyone in the pack was still sleeping, it is 4:00 in the morning after all. I was reading Wattpad stories on my iPad. There was suddenly a sharp pain in the middle of my legs. I screamed out in pain, and rolled onto the floor. Cayden barged in kneeling next to me. "What's wrong?" He asked. I didn't need to answer that because he sniffed the air and his eyes darkened.

" Cayden what do I do?!?!" I screech. I have never experienced this before. " Just stay in here the rest of the week, whatever you do, don't get out of this room!!" He ordered. One word HEAT.

I bit my lip, did I really want that? He growled and let out a groan. I looked up at him and his eyes turned way more blacker, if that was even possible. " Don't bite you lip,if only you knew what that does to me." He warned me. " I'll go tell Sylvia ( maid) to make you breakfast, lock your door, we don't want any unmated wolves taking advantage of you." 30 minutes later Cayden came in with a tray, he put it on my lap and quickly turned around to leave. " Stay?" I asked him.

" As much as I would want to stay, I have to prepare for the ceremony tomorrow, and if I look one more time at you, I wouldn't hesitate to take you right now" he winked. " I'll be back at 1:00, there are snacks on the tray." He says while leaving the room. I looked down at my tray. bacon, eggs, pancakes, syrup, and a tall glass of orange juice.

Next to the humongous plate was 3 bags of chips, 4 cans of sprite ( my favorite), and cookies a lot of them. Until 1:00 I spent it watching The Walking Dead Marathon. After while I stopped and watched a few recorded episodes of Pretty Little Liars. I eventually got bored and started listening to " Ruffneck Full Flex" by Skrillex. Sure it was an old song, but it had an awesome bass drop!!

At 1:00 Cayden came back in. As soon as he entered his eyes turned pitch black again, I could see he was trying to fight his wolf. He walked up to me, I moved a little, we may be starting over again but I didn't know what he had up his sleeves, I was in heat for god sakes, in a room alone with a horny Alpha. He must really have good control because heat affects unmated Alphas the most.

" I don't bite, unless you want me to" he said with a smirk, his canines peeking out. Damn, he really was horny. Rumor is that when he's horny his canines grow. He looked so hot right there, I could just jump his bones and.........ugh!! What the fuck am I thinking?!?!? I have never thought these thoughts before.

" Well I'll leave you, I don't wanna get carried away" he said and once again left me begging for more. When will this end?!?!

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