Breath taking Moment

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Jessica's P.O.V

So I got ready cause I don't why but I feel like this is a date but it's not and why am I so nervous my palms are sweaty I can't look sweaty right now!?

My outfit:

My outfit:

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I know I'm so basically for wearing this but o don't wanna look like I'm over dressed

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I know I'm so basically for wearing this but o don't wanna look like I'm over dressed

So I grabbed my small backpack that's trending right now

And called my dad he drove me to the park where I already saw Martinus waiting

Thanks dad I'll call you

Aw baby J I can't but your mom can ok I have to go I love

Oh ok I love you to bye


So? You look cute

Aw shut up!haha


Where are we going?

To the "Fancy" food court
-Martinus said while smiling

Isn't he so cute with the most breathtaking smile

Heading to the car*

In the car I saw Marcus with a little girl

Prince Charming ~ Martinus GUNNARSENWhere stories live. Discover now