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Jessica's P.O.V

As I find a chair for me and my "family" to seat I saw someone familiar...Martinus?

Hey! Uhmm dad I'll be back in a few minutes.. -Jessica

Okay but you have to do it quickly cause your mom bought cinnamon rolls -Dad

Okay -Jessica

As I walk to him

Hey uhmm Martinus is that you? -Jessica

J! Your here!? Why are you here

It's so nice to see you oh me and my family are going to trofors Norway

Really? I live there..I know I just met you but I think we should get to know each other cause I really think destiny is up to something -Martinus

What? -Jessica

Oh nothing moving on..why are you dressed like a carrot? - as Martinus say while laughing

Oh whatever -Jessica

Don't worry when we get to Norway I'll tour you in the mall -Martinus

Do you like shopping? -Martinus

Nope, but I like giving warm welcomes - as he said with a big smile

Well I have to go- Jessica

Text me whenever you want to hang out - Martinus

Sure! - Jessica

I went back to where my family seats and ate cinnamon rolls

After a few minutes the triplets were looking for a boyfriend!? How did I find out Sarah was wearing a short dress and kind of Seducing boys...and I heard Stella and Sheryl whispering "oh he's cute I'm gonna go over there"

So I just rolled my eyes I mean I'm 15 and I don't have a boyfriend and they just turned 13 and searching for a boyfriend

As the time flew by its time for us to get on board so my mom sat beside Sarah, Stella beside dad and Sheryl with a random stranger and I'm with a random stranger

Message notices*

M💞: So how's the flight so far?

J💙: Gud I guess?

M💞: Well...I'm bored to death

J💙:hahaha..who are you with?

M💞: my dad and my sister

J💙: well I have to ask you...

M💞:sure any question

J💙:Do you have a girlfriend?

M💞: why do you want to know?

J💙: nothing I did it for fun

M💞: cant answer that question you'll find out soon

J💙: why?

And I've waited for 30minutes and no answer well that had me pissed out

Well since I got bored I just basically fell asleep

Landing down*
I saw Martinus going And I got up to him

Martinus you can call me later and see where we're going to meet -Jessica

Sure uhmm before you go why do you have hundreds of band-aid on your arm? -Martinus

Ohhh sry can't answer that cause you didn't answer my questions awhile ago -i said playfully

Well call me whenever your free -Martinus

Bye - as I waved along

Well my dad is rich af so I got an assistant or like secretary and since she lives here she drove us to our house and I got to my room I designed it and since is 13:00 in there time I decided to go and stroll around after that I saw Martinus again? Them I got up to him

I didn't know you lived here? - J

Uhmm sorry do I know you? -M

Martinus! Stop joking - J

I'm not Martinus -M

Author's note :

Thank you everyone for reading my story

Basically this is boring but I have an exciting story for tomorrow 😊
And sorry if your bored to death like Martinus 😂

-Bryanna ❤️

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