Chapter 5

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One day.

I had one day to tell Harry that Julie was breaking up with him and I had no idea what I was supposed to do or say. So with that problem on my hands, I asked Louis to help me. Big mistake. He had the most ridiculous ideas such as,

"Cheat on Julie!"

"Cheat on Harry!"

"Cheat on Charles!"

When he suggested I should cheat on my fish, I kicked him out of my house to plan my break up by myself. After half an hour, I had come up with two ways.

Plan 1: Go to his house and tell him... somehow.

Plan 2: call him or text him and tell him... somehow.

Both plans sucked although I found that Plan 1 was actually much better than the other since Plan 2 was pretty shitty and plain out horrible.

I didn't know what the problem was. I had dumped a lot of guys, yet I didn't know how to dump this one. There was something about Harry that made this whole thing extremely difficult. I just had to figure out what it was.

I never should've let Louis convince me to become his friend first.


"When did you get a fish?"

I looked up from my book at the sound of Zayn's surprised voice. He was standing in the doorway of my room with his arms crossed over his chest and a raised eyebrow in the direction of my fish tank where my miracle fish was swimming around in it.

"Oh right," I muttered, remembering that I hadn't told Zayn about my new pet, "Harry gave me it," I said as my lips stretched out into a big grin.

Zayn furrowed his eyebrows before asking, "Harry gave you a fish?"

I nodded my head while putting my book aside. "Yeah, it was really sweet actually."

That caused Zayn to suddenly start laughing. I raised my eyebrow, not understanding what was so funny. "Harry Styles? Our schools so called bad boy was sweet?" He asked.

Ah. That's why he was laughing.

I rolled my eyes while letting out a snort, "You don't even know him! He's actually not bad at all," I argued.

"Well, do you?" Zayn shot back.

I thought about his question. No, I didn't know Harry. I knew him better than I did when I first met him, obviously, but I still didn't know him really much. Which might be a good thing, if you look at it in a certain way. He probably wont talk to me after tomorrow, so it's better if I don't get too attached to him.

Which might be too late.

"I thought so," Zayn muttered while nodding his head. I rolled my eyes before pushing myself off my bed.

"Where's Louis?" I asked.

Zayn shrugged before replying, "I don't know."

What? Zayn never visited without Louis.

"Then what are you doing here?" I asked suspiciously and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Oh, uh I was going to ask you something." Zayn replied, his eyes fixed on the floor. I nodded my head for him to go on. A moment passed before he continued.

"You know about this whole Julie thing, right?"

I shot him a flat look before answering, "I think I do."

"Well, what if the reason Julie is breaking up with Harry is because she likes another guy or something?"

Where was he going with this?

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