I pulled a face, running my fingertips over the raised surface.

Self harm?

Surely Jungkook would tell me if he was doing it.

I looked back down at it, the red lines painting his pale skin like roses in a bouquet.


He would?

Maybe they're old.


Taehyung, don't be stupid.

You can clearly see that they're fresh.

Jungkook groaned deeply, swatting my hand off him dozily before laying on his stomach.

When he feels comfortable telling me, I'll listen but I'm not going to force it out of him. I'll only intervene when it gets extremely serious. If he wants help, he's the type of person to get it. I'll support him.

Pushing it to the back of my mind, I turned my attention to the faint scratches on his back.

I smiled, looking at my markings.

Jungkook really needs to wake up so he can take his medicine and he won't wake up, groggy as fuck with a killer hangover.

I climbed onto the bed, sitting on his butt.

He murmured something sleepily into his pillow but didn't stir.

I traced my finger tips along his back muscles, like hills on an uneven terrain.

He shivered slightly at my touch, making me smile at the cuteness.

I leaned down, wrapping my arms around his chest and pressing my front to his back.

"Jungkookie," I whined into his ear, "wake up."

He didn't.

"Darling," I tried.


"Babe," I whined.

I repeated numerous nicknames, pressing soft kisses to his shoulder and neck in an attempt to wake him up.

Suddenly, I was thrown onto my back.

I squealed, opening my eyes to see a sleepy Jungkook above me, eyebrow cocked in slight annoyance.

"Hey darling," I called sweetly.

He groaned in response, falling onto my chest, holding my waist tightly.

"Kook," I dragged out the vowels, "wake up."

"I am awake."

"Your eyes are shut."

"I'm resting my eyes."


"Because this room is brighter than the fucking resurrection of Jesus Christ."

I laughed quietly, trying not to annoy a tired Jungkook further.

"Why did you wake me up? I was having such a good dream." He whinged, pinching my side gently.

"Ow! You fucker! I woke you up so you could take some painkillers." I pointed to the painkillers beside me, alongside the glass of water.

"Or you could've just let me sleep." He rumbled, his voice deep and rough.

"You could stop being grumpy and take some pills."

"Mmf." He made a noise in response.

I grasped the pills, popping them out of the packet and holding two in my hand.

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