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.A.N- You guys this is one of my first stories so please give it a try  I promise it becomes better. If you even slightly like it please ask ur friends to check it out!! I know I'm being needy and all but it would REALLY help.

oh oh oh

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            CH 1

 The rain splattered my car windows, and I thought about the hell I was putting myself into for the next two weeks. Fantastic! Note the sarcasm. I had to move into my brother’s apartment. My big brother who had barely graduated college was going to have to watch me for two months while my dad was in Europe for business. God, my life sucked. I could be at home with my boyfriend, oh ya never mind, currently ex-boyfriend because I had to move. Gee, thanks dad.

   Don’t get me wrong I loved my brother but the last thing I want is to live with him for summer. When I could be doing everything a normal sixteen year old I would have to be sitting in the apartment.

   God, I hate my life.

   I wished I could have just stayed home this entire time, but no, I was too young. Whatever, I’ll make them pay for it later.

   I was on the interstate waiting on traffic when my phone rang.

   “Hello” I said into the receiver.

   “Charlotte where are you? I thought you were supposed to be here thirty minutes ago,” My older brother, Jacob, was talking into the phone so quickly it took me a minute to understand him.

   “Jake, don’t worry there is traffic and it’s starting to move, I’ll be there in five minutes,” I snapped my phone shut and put my head down onto the wheel. The horn started blaring and I jumped up and hit my head on the top of the car.

   “Owww, I told dad I wanted a convertible,” Luckily so many people were already blaring there horns nobody noticed mine. This is why I hated Atlanta, Georgia, there is always traffic. The traffic was lightning up so I figured I could make it to his apartment in five minutes.

   Fifteen minutes later, I realized I would probably need to find a new way around. I opened up my phone and scrolled through the contacts until I found my brother.

   “Hey, ummm Jacob, is there a faster way around?” I sheepishly asked, knowing he didn’t like the fact I lied to him earlier about traffic lightning up.

   “Turn onto Flower Lane and then turn right on Lavender Avenue, and then follow all the other directions,” I heard the dial tone. Did he just hang up on me? Oh no that boy did not just hang up on me. I didn’t care how mad at me he was for lying to him about the time, nobody hangs up on me. That was my biggest pet peeve and he knew it. I was not going to lie down and roll on my back and he knew that.

   This is the reason I didn’t live with my brother before, sure I loved him. I still hated his guts though. Nobody messes with Charlotte Roxon and gets away with it. I saw the turn I was supposed to make, but I was still fifteen cars away from it.

   I shrugged my shoulders. What was the worst that could happen? So I pulled into the emergency lane and started driving down it. People were honking at me. Hey, they must be jealous they didn’t think of it first. I stuck my hand out the window and started waving to the people. They made a scene so I was going to make it a show.

   Then I heard a cop’s siren. Please tell me that their going to the accident scene. Please tell me that their going to the accident scene. Of course the cop pulled behind me.

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