"You do," James said, "Now I have a question for you."


"What the hell is a grindylow? There's nothing in Magical Creatures Through the Ages." James asked.

Rose rolled her eyes and started explaing what a grindylow was while James attempted to write an essay about it and in the end just took it and wrote it herself.

"There. At least Exceeds Expectations," Rose grinned handing it back to him.

"Thanks Rosie," James said missing her cheek before hopping, "I'll be back. Fred and Luis are struggling to so I'm going to just, uh-"

"Let them copy," Rose said.

"Pretty much," James shrugged with a  final wave before leaving.

"So what do you want to do?" Albus asked after five minutes in attempts to break the silence.

"Hex Lily," Rose said.

"Why?" Albus laughed.

"Did you see what she did last week?" Rose asked getting if the bed and grabbing two pieces of clothing from the bag at the end of her bed and holding them up, "She charmed all my clothes to look like this for an entire week."

"That's why you wore James' clothes," Albus laughed.

"What else was I supposed to do? Wear a skirt," Rose asked tossing the outfit back into the trunk.

"You know that a skirt is part of the school uniform for girls, right?" Scorpius asked.

"Wear long robes and you can get away with jeans," Rose smirked sitting back down next to Albus.

"You'd fit in quite well with Slytherin," Albus commented.

Rose glared at him until he threw his hands up, "Never mind. Didn't mean it, didn't mean it!"

"Better not have," Rose muttered.

"Well I'm bored," Albus said standing up and dragging Rose out of the bed before doing the same with Scorpius, "Argue. Its always entertaining."

"You can't just demand we argue like that," Rose said.

"Why not? You too dumb to keep up?" Scorpius asked knowing that this would get her wound up.

"What did you just say to me?" Rose asked whipping her head to Scorpius while James and Lily ran into the room saying something about 'raised voices' and 'this'll be good'.

"I said, 'Why not? You too dumb to keep up?'" He repeated.

"I happen too be ahead of you in every class so I wouldn't be calling me dumb," Rose growled.

"That's academic wise," Scorpius shrugged, "You only know what books tell you and not first hand."

"Have you met my parents?" Rose exclaimed, "We do crazy stuff every other day!"

"Then why aren't they here?"

"Business trip," Rose said, "But why do you even care?"

"I don't. Just curious as too why they'd leave you here if they are such great parents as you call them," Scorpius said.

"Don't you dare discriminate my family!"

"Woah, big word there. Finally read a dictionary to expand you lame vocabulary?" Scorpius taunted avoiding a kick in the shin.

"Shut the bloody hell up if you know what's good for you," Rose said.

"Well then obviously I don't know what's good for me?" Scorpius said walking away as she tried to kick him again.

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