Off Limits

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"Kill me!" Rose groaned.

"Rose, I'm sure your overreacting. It can't be that bad," Albus tried to reason with his seventeen year old cousin who was currently curled into a ball on his bed.

"You try bleeding for a week straight every month and see if you live," Rose groaned throwing a pillow at him.

"Ew," Albus grimaced.

"No duh, merlin," Rose rolled her eyes as she flopped over and faced Albus where he was sitting on one of the two spare beds in the room.

One was her and the other was for Albus' next best friend to her, Scorpius who also happened to be the one person Rose hated. He always called her names and teased her about her hair and study habits.

"Okay, this may not be the best time to tell you, but since your staying for the summer while your parents ate away I think I should," Albus said.

"What?" Rose groaned tucking her knees up.

"Scorpiusisstayingfortherestofthesummeraswell," Albus said quickly.

"Albus speak slower before I claw your eyes out," Rose sighed.

"He said I'm staying for the rest of the summer as well," A voice drawled out.

"No!" Rose said recognizing it.

"Hey Flames, Albus," Scorpius Malfoy smirked.

"Albus," Rose groaned.

"Sorry. Mum already arranged it since his dads also going out of town," Albus said with a small smile.

"Get me chocolate and I'll hex you later," Rose said putting a pillow over her face.

Albus raced over to a painting of a quidditch broom and tapped the top left corner, bottom right, then top right. It swung forward to reveal his hidden stash of candy. He grabbed a large bar if chocolate and closed the painting before giving the chocolate to Rose and sitting on the bed next to her.

"You may be the best cousin ever," Rose said as she took a bite.

"I heard that!" Named called walking in.

"Okay fine. You may be the best friend ever. James is the best cousin," Rose corrected.

"Better," James smirked flopping down on the other side of her while Scorpius sat on the edge of his bed, "Why you groaning?"

Rose stared him in the eyes until he grimaced, "I think mum has a potion. She invented it during the war."

"She has a potion?" Rose asked shooting up.

"I think so. Lily and her never seem to get them. I'll go ask," James smiled getting up.

"Oh god James Potter, you are the best," Rose sighed.

"I know," James smirked before leaving the room.

"What's he talking about?" Scorpius asked.

Rose glared at him.

"Come on Flames," Scorpius smiled.

"Hob," she muttered. (Hob is a baby male ferret.)

Albus started laughing while Scorpius rolled his eyes.

"What's so funny?" Lily asked skipping in.

"A hob is a baby ferret. So Malfoy is a hob," Rose stated as James entered and handed her a red potion.

"Okay, and if you need those again I have a stash. Third cabinet under the sink in my bathroom," Lily grinned before walking out.

"I have the best family," Rose said after drinking the potion.

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