Chapter 14~

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Rebels pov~
We had just arrived at the third island and we were supposed to meet the professor at the gardens. So we were on our way to meet him, but we got stopped by a couple of grunts that were causing trouble, then they walk up to us and they start to make fun of me like usual. I just roll my eyes and turn to walk away. Then one of the grunts grabs my arms and pushes me to the ground, making me yelp in the process. I look at the grunt and growl, I then hear angel growling to and she jumps at him to attack him, but I grab her and pull her close. Calm down angel, he just pushed me. She continues to growl and I get off the ground and notice that moon was battling one of the grunts and hau was battling the other one, but two more walk up to me and send out there Pokémon. The girl grunt sends out a Salazle and the boy grunt sends out an alolan Muk. I growl and angel jumps out of my arms and stands in front of me in a battle position, so you want to battle? Angel nods and I smirk, well you can't battle alone so wiz come out and help angel! I send out wiz and he lets out a loud screech and gets into battle position. Alright wiz use razor shell!! Angel use dragon tail!!! They both attack and land direct hits but both Pokémon were still standing and they both attack. The salazle using flamethrower and the muk using sludge bomb. Both attacks hit and wiz gets poisoned, wiz?! You okay?! He nods and I sigh in relief, alright then use slash!! Angel you use psychic!! They both attack and land direct hits making only the salazle faint. The muk had only 15 hp left and it uses toxic on angel poisoning her. Angel you okay?! She nods and I sigh in relief, alright then use fire fang!! She attacks making the muk faint. I then look at moon and hau who had already defeated the other too grunts. I return wiz and pick up angel, you two did a good job I'm so proud of both of you!! I praise both of them then the grunts return there Pokémon and run off and hau and moon walk up to me, cmon let's get to a Pokémon center, both angel and wiz were poisoned. I tell them and they nod and we head to a Pokémon center. Once we get there both wiz and angel are taken to the emergency room. I sigh and look at the time it was 1:09, hopefully they will be out soon... about a hour later nurse hot walks out holding angel in her arms and holding wiz's pokeball in her hand and she hands them to me. Here you go thank you for getting them ere so quickly, they made a full recovery. I smile and hug angel then puts wiz's pokeball in my bag. Thank you so much nurse joy!! She smiles your welcome and we hope to see you again! I then say goodbye and walk out of the Pokémon center with hau and moon following me. Hau of course was eating a malasada and he hears moon stomach growl and he gives her half of it making her take it shyly. I smile that was so sweet of hau, we then go to the gardens and to our surprise we see my dad... and the professor...

Dusks pov~
I wake up to my phone going off and I sit up and yawn. Who is texting me I don't remember giving anyone my phone number... I check the message and it says, hey it's kiawe, I was wondering if you would like to go do something later... like maybe a date?... mallows dad runs a restaurant that is really good... but anyway I was just wondering... you don't have to but text me back when you can. I squeal, oh my god he asked me out on a date!!! I have to wear something cute. But first I need a shower, I then look at the time and it was 2:30. Then I run into the bathroom and then I remember that kiawe asked me to text him back. so I run back to the bed and grab my phone and text him back. Hey kiawe, I would love to go on a date with you, how about I meet you at the restaurant at 3:25? Does that sound good? I sigh and then I go take a quick shower and when I get out I hear my phone go off, and I immediately go to pick it up. I smile it was a message from him, and it said. Hey dusk, 3:25 sounds great I'm glad you actually want to go on a date with me. We'll see you then. ❤️ I smile like an idiot, and finish getting ready ( pic above). When I finish getting ready I return lady to her pokeball and I walk out of the Pokémon center. I then look at the time, crap it's already 3:21. Hey charla wanna give me a lift to mallows dads restaurant? She lets out a loud roar and lowers her body so that I can get on her. As soon as I'm on her she takes off and we are there in 2 minutes. Thank you so much charla. I pet her snout and she lets out a happy growl. I giggle and I see kiawe, hey kiawe! He smiles and me and walks up to me, hello dusk, you look really nice. I blush and I hear charla snicker. Thank you kiawe... oh also since you gave me that charmander she is now a strong and beautiful charizard. And I also caught a shiny bounsweet who is now a steenee. He looks impressed thats amazing, Well let's go in and eat shall we? I nod and hold his hand and we walk in. Once we were seated at our table I then look at the menu, what are you getting kiawe? He looks at the menu, why don't we try the mythical alolan stew? I smile, yeah that sounds good. The waiter then comes and takes our orders and kiawe tells her that we want 2 of the mythical alolan stews. She nods and goes into the kitchen to make our food then mallow comes out, hey kiawe, I see your on a date, have you finally found someone?! I blush, yes I have mallow and she's perfect for me. I blush even more and hide my face, she is everything I want and more. She is my everything. My face was as red as fire. I was so embarrassed and I hear kiawe laugh. She's really cute too. Then mallow leaves and the waiter comes back with our food and we eat. After we finish eating kiawe pays for the meal with me complaining about him paying for it. We then go to wala volcano park and the sun was starting to set and we could see it above the ocean and it was beautiful. W-wow kiawe, its beautiful. He smiles and looks at me, not as beautiful as you. Making me blush and then he kisses me and I kiss back, we then pull away and I was a blushing mess. Your so cute dusk. I hide my face and after the sun sets kiawe walks me back to his house you wanna stay with me tonight? He asks and I smile, sure why not? We then walk in and we walk to his room and I go into the bathroom to change, when I walk out in wearing one of his large shirts and some short shorts. He was laying on the bed and I lay on top of him and cuddle him. Making him laugh. Your so cute dusk. I hiss and hug him tighter. Mine!!! He smiles and kisses me then pulls away, I will always be yours. I smile and then fall asleep on him, and he kisses my forehead and pulls the cover over both of us and falls asleep.

Hey I hope you like this chapter I know it's a bit longer that the usual ones but I got really creative so enjoy. 😋

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