Chapter 9~

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Rebels pov~

I was training for my next trail, which would be the water one. Me and winter were battling some water Pokémon, and I was fishing by the lake, I then get a bite and reel it in and guess what is it, yep another magikarp. I sigh in frustration as I order winter to attack it making it faint. I then try again, I get another bite and reel it in. Guess what it was this time... of course another magikarp. I let out a groan and order winter to attack this one too, it fainting in one hit as well. I then try again, and I wait... About five minutes later I get a bite. I then reel it in and to my surprise it's a feebas... still better than a magikarp I guess.... I then order winter to attack it and it survives with ten hp left, so I order her to attack once more and it faints. Maybe we should stop... I don't think I'm gonna fish up anything good anyway... I then start to put my super rod up and winter whines. Cmon give it one more shot, you will get something this time I know it. I then try once more and wait... five minutes later still no bite.... ten minutes later still nothing... then 15 minutes later I feel a tug at the line and I start to reel it in, and it jumps out of the water revealing a shiny dratini and I gasp. I then continue to reel it in and when I finally get it out of the water I order winter to attack it, and she uses ice beam and it freezes it and leaves it with one hp. I then throw a primer ball at it and it shakes three times and clicks. I then run over to the pokeball and pick it up. Yes we caught a shiny dratini!!! I say excitedly and pick up winter who was yipping happily. Yep i told you that you would catch something good. I smile and put the dratinis pokeball in my bag and I pet winter. Yes you did, thank you winter. She nuzzles me and I giggle, your welcome!!! I then carry her to the Pokémon center, to get her and the rest of my team fully healed. When they were healed I walk out and let the dratini out who didn't look at me, hey I'm rebel I'm your new trainer. I smile at it but it uses water gun on me and smirks when it soaks me. So I'm gonna have to earn your respect eh? It just looks at me and nods. That sounds like a fun challenge. I smile at it and winter climbs on my shoulders. I bet you will respect her soon enough drake. He then looks at winter, maybe I will, maybe I won't, we will have to see. I then smirk and pick him up which surprisingly he allows me to and I carry him to the lake that I was fishing at earlier. And I set him down and get my super rod back out. Why don't you watch how we battle? I ask drake and he nods. I then cast the rod out as far and fast as I can. I then wait for a bite, a couple of minutes later I feel a tug on my rod, and I reel it in and it was a remoraid. Alright winter use Icy snow. She uses it and it one shots the remoraid. And I cast out the rod once more and wait for a bite. Five minutes later not a single bite, ten minutes later nothing, 15 minutes later still nothing, then when I was about to reel it in and cast again I feel a huge tug and I try to reel it in and it jumps out of the water revealing a school of wishiwashi, and it dives back into the water splashing all of us, and I continue to try and reel it in. It then jumps again and nearly pulls me into the water. My hands were soaked and I was loosing my grip on the rod. W-winter use ice beam, try to freeze the wishiwashi, I yell trying not to let go while winter attacks it. It actually works and it freezes the wishiwashi. But it quickly thaws out continues rampaging, it jumps out of the water again, and I slip but something grabs me. I look and see that wiz let himself out of his pokeball. He then sets me back on the ground, and growls at the wishiwashi. Thanks for the help wiz but I think me and winter can handle this. He nods in understanding but stays out in case I get pulled off agian. Winter use dazzling gleam, followed up by blizzard. I say and she nods then uses both attacks blinding and freezes the wishiwashi. I then hear moon behind me, rebel that's the totem wishiwashi!!! I then understand, it wasn't attacking me for no reason, it was challenging me. Alright winter let's finish this up, use blizzard at full power!!! She nods and uses a full powered blizzard. And the wishiwashi faints and separates. I then fall to my knees tired from fighting that thing, my hands red from all the pulling. When I see a smaller wishiwashi swimming up to me with the waterium z on its head and I smile and take the crystal. Then moon runs up to me and congratulate me. That was so awesome I didn't actually fish up the totem wishiwashi!!! It just jumped out at me. I finally catch my breath, thanks but I was just training when I fished it up. I didn't mean to try and battle it at all honestly. I then see Lana, well looks like to me the wishiwashi wanted to battle you itself. I look shocked, really you think so? She then smiles, yeah I do, next up for you will be kiawes trail, the waterium z will help you beat the next totem Pokémon. But as for what that Pokémon is im afraid I can't tell you that. Also did you know that I once reeled in kyoge? I look shocked at first but then I smirk, no you didn't, she then laughs. Yeah your right I didn't but moon thinks I did, she winks. Making me laugh, of course she does she will believe anything you tell her. I think to myself. Then Lana waves goodbye and leaves. I then hug winter, you did amazing!! I'm so proud of you, she nuzzles me and I smile, thank you so much rebel!! She then climbs on my shoulder, and drake looks at me like he was thinking about something. Hey drake you okay? He then looks at me and smiles, yeah I'm fine and I think you are the perfect trainer for me. I pick him up, really? He curls up in my arms and falls asleep. I'll take that as a yes I say to myself and walk back to the motel on route 8. I then walk in and see Lillie already asleep on one of the beds. I go into the bathroom and take a quick shower since I smelt like lake water and when I get out I lay on the other bed and quickly fall asleep since I'm so tired.

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