Chapter 3 ~

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Rebels pov ~

We spent hours training and me and wimpod were much stronger and hau had gone to get some malasadas for us and me and moon were helping a little kid find there lost pichu and while we where looking I notice moon was thinking about something hey moon can I ask you something? She looks at me sure go ahead. I smirk you like hau don't you? She looks at me shocked e-eh?! I laugh you do don't you? She sighs and looks down yeah I do but don't tell hau, he won't feel the same... I hug her and smile I have seen the way he looks at you he is in love with you. she looks shocked, you really think so? I see hau now go tell him. She blushes o-okay she walks over to him and he smiles at her.

Moons pov~
I walk over to hau and he smiles at me and I blush and I look away shyly h-hau i have to tell you something.... he looks at me what is it moon? I look down and I take a deep breathe I-I love you hau he looks shocked then lifts my chin up and kisses me and I was a blushing mess but kiss him back and after a minute we pull away and he was blushing I love you too moon. I smile and kiss his cheek which makes him blush more and I notice that rebel was looking away maybe she loved someone too and they didn't feel the same way...

Rebels pov~ I knew it that they both liked each other I'm just glad that they are together now and that there happy. I notice moon looking at me and I give her a small smile which she returns and I can't help but think about my journal and why happened to it....

??? Pov~
I walk into rebels room and notice she is gone and I see her journal on the ground and it was open and I pick it up and start to read it. (can you guess who is reading it comment who you think it is) its the same thing everyday I wake up get dressed, and go downstairs only to be made fun of because of my ears and tail, then my dad storms in and everyone stops talking about me and act like nothing happened until he leaves and then they start talking again until I leave the room only to be pushed into the wall by one of the grunts and that usually leads to me being beaten by at least five grunts. But.... no one cares they beat me again today I have a large bruise on my stomach because of them and my ankle was Brocken and the grunts that beat me were banned from team skull. But that doesn't matter. But that's all for now
I sigh I regret what I said to her when she told me how she felt I wish I would have told her that i felt the same... but it's to late now or that's what I thought....

That's all for this chapter the next one will be longer I promise but for now bye

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