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A/N; You got to have a mistletoe one so here we go.

"Hey Rose!" Albus grins as I join Him and Malfoy at the Slytherin table fro breakfast. Ninone seems to care anymore considering I've hung out with the two for six years now.

"Hey Al, Malfoy," I said sitting down in my usual spot next to Albus with Scorpius across from us. Sometimes my friend Alice Longbottom joins us and Malfoy and Al don't seem to mind. I think Al actually looks forward to those days.

"Flames," Malfoy smirked at me.

"I get it, my hairs red," I sighed grabbing a piece of toast and taking abite out if it.

"Hey Rose!" Alice smiled sitting next to Malfoy, "Scorpius, Albus," she said smiling at them.

"Alice," they greet in unison.

"Creepy when you do that," I mumbled under my breath.

"Did you guys hear?" Alice asked cutting off an argument between Malfoy and I.

"Hear what?" I asked.

"McGonagall and Dad have set up enchancted mistletoes around school. They'll trap two students in the same hear underneath them until the two kiss. It can't be broken unless you kiss," Alice said, "My dads finally done something useful with his life. Now all my OTP's might happen."

"You're dad killed Voldemort's snake. If he hasn't none if us would exist," I said slowly.

"Men, not as good as this," Alice shrugged.

"What the hell is an OTP?" Malfoy asked blowing his silver blonde hair out of his eyes. It always annoyed me when he did that.

"On True Pairing. People you ship together," I explained having heard Laice go on and on about how much she 'shipped' Tedorie, her name for Teddy and Victorie.

"You know this how?" Albus asked.

"She created 'Tedorie'. Stands for Teddy and Victorie and in her words, 'Is one of my top OTP's.'" I sighed.

"So you basically are putting peoples names together if you think they should get together?" Malfoy asked.

"Yes." Alice nodded.

"That's weird," Malfoy said.

"Neville Longbottom is my dad, what did you expect?" Alice asked.

"Be nice. I could ship you with Filch. I can see it now, 'Filcius'" Alice said trying to contain her giggles. I didn't even bother trying to hide mine.

"That's they worst thing I have ever heard," Malfoy said although he cracked a smile.

"Well what can I say? Your name doesn't work with much except Scorose," Alice shrugged taking a drink from her goblet.

"Scor- what now?" He asked.

"Scor," Alice said pointing to him, "Rose," she finished pointing to me.

Both Malfoy and I choked on our food.

"You have a ship name for us?" I asked her, my jaw hanging open.

"Yep. You two are my number one OTP," Alice smiled.

"I don't even want to imagine," Malfoy said looking at her as though she'd gone mental, "What goes through your mind."

"Mostly, Books, Homework, and Scorose," Alice smirked.

"I walked into that didn't I?" Malfoy asked sighing.

"Yep," Albus laughed.

"Fine then. You two," I said pointing to Albus and Alice, "Get... Croa your names don't work. Not even the last ones!"

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