"The bedding is in the drier." I said.

"Ah-hah..." he nodded and then walked over to Tasha, giving her a kiss.

"I kinda like the smaller house feel." Mr. Baker started, as my phone buzzed. "We should look for a smaller place, babe."

"Mhm." I said, looking at my phone.

"Or we could have one built." He continued.

"Yeah." I wasn't really paying attention.

"And have everyone live with us and bother us all the time." I felt him looking at me.

"Anything you want, hun." I said.

"You aren't even listening." He huffed.

"Definitely." I said, sitting up.

"Marilyn." I heard Mr. Baker say, sternly.

"Hm? What?" I look at him and sigh. "I'm sorry, baby. My cousin-in-law is texting me."

"Mes's Girl?" Mars asks, fixing his over shirt.

"Yeah. Mes was supposed to be released, but he didn't make bail, because of Hal, back when he was alive." I say, not looking up from my phone.

"Well, how much does he need?" Slim asks.

"He didn't make bail, because they changed his deal. Hal had helped connect Mes to more crime charges, causing him to stay in another year." I sigh, looking up and around at everyone.

"What about Mary and Marsha?" Mars asks.

"Who's.." Mr. Baker started.

"His daughter and wife." I answered before he could finish. "They were expecting him to come home this week, but, now, Marsha has to tell Mary that Mes isn't gonna be coming home for a while."

I sigh and look down at my phone. The expression on my face weary and disappointed. I was expecting Mes to come home, but, now, Mary will have to grow up another year without her father. She might think that he just doesn't wanna see here, when it's the exact opposite. He misses her so much. I know he does. I know I would.

"Well, maybe I can help. I have some friends with connections." Mr. Baker informed.

He probably saw the look on my face and wanted to make it better.

"EST help Mansons?" I have him a look that said it all. "The only people that know about the two combining are the ones that tried to kill us."

"And look where that lead them." He chuckled a little.

"Still." I sighed.

"Hey.." he took my hands into his. "Let me at least try."

I just nodded. Looking at my phone as it buzzed again. It was Marsha again.

"She wants to know if we could come over. Mary is asking her." I blurted.

"Sure." Mars says.

Colson's Games (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now