The man laughed, evil and dark, "Your face! You pig, say goodbye to your old life, status, friends, all of it. You're a prisoner of war now."

His laugh didn't stop, not until the guards changed, and the evil chuckle slowly disappeared, echoing through the hall, haunting Hoseok more and more by the second.

A sense of hopelessness washed over Hoseok, slowly, but suffocatingly so like the waves quietly consuming the shore during high tide, when Hoseok realized, there was no room in that small prison cell, for hope.


"H-how? How did this happen? Why was there no sign? Jimin should have given the sign..." Yoongi started, all he wanted to do was lay there and cry, and cry and cry but he needed answers, more than anything, he needed something.

Taehyung took a long, drawn out sigh, "Jimin...there were complications..."

"What kind of complications?"

Taehyung couldn't meet the olders eyes, "His blood sugar was low, apparently he was so nervous to be so close to the border he hadn't been able to keep anything down, he couldn't hold the pistol straight he was shaking so he and his team retreated as soon as they thought we had everyone."

"But they didn't...they didn't have..." And Yoongi couldn't say it, he couldn't say that he was the one that they didn't have. The reason Hoseok was-

"Yes but he couldn't lead his team properly anyway, it was best that he retreated, he's okay now, Jungkook is taking care of him." But then realization dawned on Taehyung's features, " No don't you dare blame yourself for this. We all made a promise to protect you. Hoseok especially, you know he would have done anything for you."

Yoongi knew what the younger was trying to say, but he couldn't listen, he was the reason Hoseok wasn't there, Yoongi was the reason he held Hoseok's cold tags tightly in his hand, instead of the youngers warm hands interlacing in his own. Yoongi closed his eyes, bringing the small metal to his lips, and whispering through the tears that refused to give up, "I know, he would do anything. But I never got the chance to tell him...I was waiting for a better day...a safer day I thought we could make it there...I never told's too late now I..." The older couldn't finish, not with the sobs that flooded his chest and lungs.

Taehyung sat next to Yoongi's bed, his head low, holding his uniform hat in his hands, as he let his own tears soak onto the hats dark fabric.


Hoseok couldn't tell what time it was, or how long he'd been there, but his best guess was that he was conscious for his first night, caged in by three grey walls, a barred door, and a body that screamed out in pain.

There was no food, and no water.

But Hoseok let his mind drift, his thoughts always finding a gum filled smile that looked towards him like he was hope, like he had hope. But the boy would laugh, in the situation now, there was no hope. Not when his body cried every time he so much as moved an inch.

Hoseok was sitting with his back against the wall, looking out through the barred door when a loud snore began to plague the air. The boy strained a little, finding the guard fast asleep, Hoseok's heart jumped as he looked towards the other prisoners. He could see about three cells from his own bars, he guessed that he was in a hall full of them, but he didn't know how big it was.

One of the men, who was trapped directly in front of Hoseok's own cell, noticed the boy looking his way, "Yah, what do you want new comer?!"

Hoseok was startled by the man's standoffish attitude, "H-hi..." but he quickly recovered, "How long have you been here? Has there been any attempts to break out?"

Hope, In a Photo (Yoonseok)Where stories live. Discover now