Road Trip™ The Losers

Start from the beginning

- and she's like, ' fUcK tHiS sHiT iM oUt StAn TaKe OvEr ' 

- an hour's way in Eddie fell asleep curled into Richie's side

- and may I say that this motormouth was mf m e l t i n g

- the other Losers were like 

- making smoochy faces at him 

- ' i hate you all ' 

- ' whatre friends for, Tozier? ' 

- eventually Mike got tired so FIFTEEN YEAR OLD Bill said he would drive 

- bad idea 

- he crashed 

- which woke Eddie up 

- which got Richie mad 

- which made Stan annoyed 

- which made Mike sad 

- which made Ben confused 

- which made Bev roll her eyes 

- so they all hopped out 

- the van wasn't damaged [ which is good ] 

- but they were stuck in a ditch 

- ' nice driving skills, Billy ' 

- ' sh-shu-shut up ' 

- Mike, Ben, and Richie went to the front of the truck while Eddie, Ben, Bill, and Bev went to the back 

- M, B & R pushed forward while E, B, B & B [xd] pulled backward 

- they eventually got it out 

- but 

- they checked and the van had no more gas 

- ' jesus christ ' 

- ' lets never let Bill drive again ' 

- ' hey! ' 

- ' sorry not sorry ' 

- so Stan checked the map 

- he also figured out that Bev had been reading it upside-down 

- ' you stupidass redhead ' 

- so Stan finds out that the nearest gas station is two miles away 

- ' i don't think we can drag the van two miles ' 

- ' be positive, maybe we'll get a tow ' 

- ' five hours away from the main road? ' 

- welp Ben was right 

- some dude came & let them have a tow to the gas station 

- Mike was giving him so many thank yous 

- Stan had to scold him when they got to the station 

- ' thankfuck ihavetogotothebathroomsofuckingbad ' 

- ' then go to the bathroom! no one wants your pee on them ' 

- ' eddie does ' 


- Richie goes to the bathroom 

- luckily no one gets peed on 

- so they get a shitton of food and gas and skrt skrt 

- they decide to get going before a hobo started asking them for money

- so its like eleven at night and all of the lights in the van are on

- everyone is drunk

- other than Ben and Stan

- so the sliding doors are open

- Bill is laughing at something stupid Bev said

- a n d  h e  f a l l s  b a c k w a r d s  o u t  o f  t h e  d o o r  


- Ben hauls him back into the van 

- Bill has passed out, i repeat, Bill has passed out 

- so Stan decides its a good time to go to bed 


- even drunk Eddie and Richie are soft a s f 

- so they cuddle 

- everyone is dying 

- its one a.m when theyre all finally asleep 

[ - Mac DeMarco was on in the background the whole time ] 

- the first one to wake up is Mike 

- even then its twelve p.m 

- ' guys we have to go! our parents are gonna freak! ' 

- theyre all movin fast now 

- shoving granola bars into their mouth 

- chugging down protein shakes 

-̶ ̶s̶u̶c̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶f̶a̶c̶e̶s̶ 

- Ben is driving this time 

- yes he is still fifteen but at least hes more trustable than Bill 

- this time Richie fell asleep on Eddie 

- ' awwww, look at the sappy couple! ' 

- ' Bev shut up, hes asleep! ' 

- ' exactly my point ' 

- so they get home at round nine p.m 

- Richie goes home w Eddie and everyone else goes by their self  

- overall, they would do it again 


also would you read a Finn x OC book? 

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