Braces™ Reddie, 2

469 30 22

:) Reddie; Braces Part Two (: 
[ Requested by reddiespaghetti
[ Part Two: Richie gets braces ] 
This is short, I'm sorry, i didn't know what to write for it, please still love me <3 

- not much 2 say here, peeps

- he misses a day of school but no one cares bc he always skips

- he literally f l a u n t s it

- Richard goes to school the next day smiling v loudly

[ - Eddie notices first oops ] 

- theyre a rlly bright red and they pop tf out 

- they actually go p well w his glasses n eyes 

- again, no one cares 

- Eddie just thinks he looks cute x2 when he laughs 

- ' hes so pretty, Stan! ' 

- ' Edward i sware if you come to me just to talk about how gorgeous Richie is again i will strike ye straight across the face, march away and tell him ' 

- ' okayokayokay I'm sorry! ' 

- ' its fine. but I'm not kidding, you really need to tell him ' 

- ' i know. its hard!!! ' 

[ - its twice as hard when Richie continuously flirts w Eddie and runs his tongue over his braces though ] 

- honestly Eddie just wants to get it over w 

- he invites Richie over to the quarry after skool 

- he just f l a t  o u t tells him 

- honestly, Edward,,,  

- Richie just smiles that goddam nerdy [cute beautiful gorgeous amazing flirty shining bright perfect - I'm sorry] grin and laughs 

- ' aww, spaghetti has a crush on Trashmouth! ' 

- Eddie is s o embarrassed 

- he stood up, planning to run home and yell @ Stan over the phone ab what happened 

- he starts to leave but.... 



- Richie grabs his shoulder and spins him around 

[ - eds is blushing like a mf maniac mg ] 

- Richie pushes his hair out of his own face and spaghetti m e l t s 

- ' well, this is fantastic! Trashmouth likes spaghetti, too! ' 

- and he kisses him on the cheek 


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