Chapter 5 Season 2

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Imagine yourself stuck in a room with no windows, doors, or lights. Just, complete black. You were determined to get out, and an idea popped to your head. Doing the idea, you successfully got yourself out of the room.

What did you do to get out?

And de winners of the last riddle was : No one! Congratz :v.

The old lady called a heavily snoring neighbor, and when he woke up, the snoring stopped. The old lady then went to bed peacefully.

Me and Alu had wandered around the school for the moment, and decided to take a break in the cafeteria. It wasn't really packed, but there were some people, and I regonised two of them. They were the ones Alu had bumped into when we were trying to get out of the crowd. I stood there, frozen. Alu seemed to notice this, as he looked at me with a confused face. "Ruby? What's wrong?" he asked. I looked up to him and pointed to where the two people are sitting. He looked at the direction, and with another confused face, he asked me "Who are they?" he asked me. "DID THEY DO SOMETHING TO YOU?"

He raised his voice a little, earning a few stares from the people around us. "No, they didn't do anything to me. But you did." I spat back. He seemed to gain more confusion, "What do you mean? I never saw those guys before."
"Yeah, you never saw them, but they know you when you pissed one of them off in that crowd."

As if on cue, one of the guys stood up and go to our direction, while the other one was following not too far behind. The one with long hair, tied up to the back of his head (Alpha), tried his best to catch up to the one with red and white space gear (Saber fullmetal ronin skin). "Saber! Stop walking so fast!" Alpha said. Saber, on the other hand, reached up to us and gave Alucard a glare. Oh jeez, if I know Alucard, he's gonna make a friking fight in the middle of the canteen.

"What do you want, space boy?" he said. Saber, who looked offended, spat back "Do your parents ever told you to use the word 'excuse me' when you're walking in a crowd?! Because from what you did, they never taught you manners." Alucard was the one now getting annoyed, "And who do you think you are? Trying to stand in my way? It's probably because of your armor, putting too many pressure on your brain, making it hard for you to think 'oh, I should probably stand out of the way of these people that need to get through'."

Now the whole canteen was staring at us like we're crazy. Some of them were just eating while watching, and some of them aren't paying attention. As Alucard and Saber exchanged comeback, students around us are starting to surround us, making me nervous if a faculty member suddenly came up. Alu and Saber seemed to have plenty of other comebacks, and if one of them is done with theirs, the students will either go "ooooooooh" or "roastedddddd" or "dangggg".

(A/n: I forgot to tell you people that in this school, everyone were given a logo of choice, such as Ruby with her heart, and Alu with his pin and that logo will have a picture with their weapons on it. *cough* they're made into accesories *cough* If they want to, they can summon their weapons with magic anytime they want, though it's not allowed in the school to summon weapons randomly. As for mages, they have rings, and supports have bracelets.)

Time went on, and suprisingly, none of the faculty members have come and ask what's going on. Alucard and Saber seem to run out of comebacks, as how they're starting to summon their weapons. "Oh SH*T." I mumbled. But too little too late, Saber summoned his double sword, WHICH SEEMED TO COME FROM SPACE, and Alucard summoned his 'demon hunting' sword. They both exchage glares, as some students back up, and others were gasping and cheering. One or two students go run to tell a faculty, or either just run away.

I've got to stop them. One way or another, someone's gonna find out about this fight and they're gonna get into trouble.

._. I am dissapointment once again, introducing a very short chapter D':

I'm really sorry tho. And by the way, I think I'm possessed. I'VE BEEN READING CREEPYPASTAS X READER LIKE WTF?! IDK I'M SUDDENLY LOVE THEM HELP. But idk tho. They're pretty good, and I'm considering to make a book mayself ;-;.

Oh and for Yandere Simulator fans, the book for YS is almost out. I figured I'll post 2 chapters at once.

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