Chapter 11

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A/N: So I'm using a pic of a puppy cuz I cant find the Aluby pic.

Bless you eyes with them floofyness.

I'm sorry I haven't updated. My school tasks are building up and my teachers wont give us a break.

SPOILER! There's a book I will consider to publish. It's about my life, cause at that time I was getting bullied and I can't stand it anymore so I decided to make a book about my problems 😂.

But then I figured that most people won't have time to care about my problems, which is why I'm probably never publish it.

Here it is:

The title is One Direction much 😂 (thanks OneD)

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The title is One Direction much 😂 (thanks OneD).

To be honest, I have no idea if I'm gonna publish it or no.

But these days I'm addicted to short stories/oneshots. So I'm considering if I would do it or not.

Agree or disagree?


Okay enough with me complaining about my boring life.

Here's the exciting story!

Zilong's P.O.V

I went down only to find Hayabusa and Kagura playing truth or dare earlier without me.

Haya noticed me and he stood up to greet me. "Hey!" he said, waving his hand to me. "Sorry. We were getting bored so we started earlier."

"It's fine," I said. It's not much of a problem anyway.

"What's up with Ruby? Why is she screaming?" Kagura asked. She looked  at me. "And why are your clothes wet?"

"I kinda dumped a whole container on Ruby's head to wake her up from her nightmare. Some of the water splashed on me."

"Kinda?" Kagura raised an eyebrow at me. "Okay fine. It was the biggest container Alu had."

"Omg, Zilong, Ruby could catch a cold," she said as she raised up, and ran to Alu's room.

"Dang what's up with her?" I asked Haya. "Meh. Friendship stuff," he replied. "Kagi considers Ruby as her best friend, since she doesn't want to go back to Iga if I don't either."

"Oh yeah, that reminds me. What were you doing here in the first place anyway?" I asked.

"I had a mission to kill the previous shadow of Iga. Which leads me here. Before I got back to Iga, an eagle with a red ribbon tied around its neck, flew to me, and handed me a note. Red ribbons on eagles means it's an important letter from the councils of Iga."

"I opened it and it says they found my master dead. It looks like my master rotted in there for about a week or so, until one of the councils came to ask him a favor. They found a clue, though. It was some kind of claw made from metal. By the tip of the claw there's a carving which seems to be a wolf face. They knew immediately it was Roger."

"I crumpled the paper and threw it away," he paused. "Why? Don't you care about your master?" I asked. I mean if he crumpled the paper up, it means he's ignoring it, right?

"Don't care? I care. I really do. But I decided to leave it there. I went to look for Roger, and that's why I end up here." he explained.

We heard a door slam from above. Me and Haya looked up to see Kagura smiling. Grinning, to be exact.

"What's wrong?" Haya asked.

"They did it."

"Did what?"

She climbed down the stairs and went to us.

"Ruby and Alucard,"

She paused.

"They're kissing."

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