Chapter 1 : Meeting

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Ruby's POV

Another day begins, where I have nobody to take care of me and I must live alone. How come nobody is here to take care of me? I'll explain.

Ruby's flashback from 9 years ago

"Mama! I want ice cream!" I said while walking down the park with my mom. I was still 9 years old, and life was happy.

My dad died in a car accident even before I was born. I never knew how he looked like.

My mom usually tells me stories about how brave my father was, how kind and a loving guy he is. I wish I could meet him.

"Okay dear, let's get ice cream. What flavour do you want?" my mom asked. "The same mama! Chocolate!" I shouted with joy. Ice cream was everyone's favorite snack.

My mom bought the ice cream and we took a stroll around the park. We strolled around until it's dawn. Time to go home.

We live in the middle of the woods for some reason. I don't know why, but I'm happy about that.

We were halfway home, when a pack of wolves started to approach us. I was scared. So scared. My mom was too. She always has a sycthe (uhh idk how to spell it, you know, Ruby's weapon.) swinged to her back. She uses a hood, and it's red. It has some kind of logo, I didn't know what it's for.

"Ruby honey, back down. I'll take care of this. Find another way home, and take care. I'll get home as soon I get these wolves killed." As I was so scared, I didn't even care, I ran for my life, hoping the wolves didn't chase me.

I ran as fast as I could, and I looked back. The wolves aren't paying attention to me at all. They're hunting for my mom.

I hid in some bushes, and watched my mom battled without fear. I watched and watched her fight until...

She plummeted to the ground.

She sacrificed her life for me. She died battling the last wolf. They died together.

Tears flooded my eyes as I ran to her body which is covered in a pool of blood. I saw her.

I saw her dead body.

"Mom... Please tell me you're playing dead." I cried to her as I put her lifeless body on my arms. She's stiff and cold, I knew she wasn't playing dead.

She blinked weakly, and said with the weakest voice I've ever heard "R.. Ruby m-my dear... A... Avenge me.." and that's it... She's dead.

It started to rain as I was crying over my mom's dead body. I lost my dad, and now I lost my mom. That's when I started hating wolves.

To avenge her, I took her weapon which is now covered in wolf blood. I took her hood and put it on. Now I'm Ruby, the little red hood.

For the first couple weeks, I practised carrying the weapon. It was heavy, and I need to get used to it. I practised every day, trying to get the hold of the sycthe.

Until I can finally swing it here and there. I learned 3 skills that I can use on battle with my sytche.

After I learned to use it, I tried it on some little creatures that's often outside my house. They are fragile, and the sycthe is big. I need a real target.

Upon trying to kill bunnies on day, a pack of wolves came to me, growling hungry. "The perfect way to avenge my mother," I thought.

The wolves were far, so I used my sycthe to swoop them to where I am. The ones that touced the blade got injured. Then I swung my scythe at a 360° circle, making some of them drop dead and some of them is still barely alive.

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