A Solid Escape

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     Working my way down the ledge, I became more determined! My hands were turning red and my calluses were super sore, but that could not stop me, because if I let go, I would likely fall to my death or become paralyzed.

     As I went along, I was approaching the 1st story ledge. Soon, I could safely jump off without becoming injured. Can you tell I do this way to much?

     As I touched the 1st story ledge my left hand started to slip, I tried to grasp on. I knew this was it. My final moments on earth were quickly approaching, I started crying. I should have just stayed at the stupid adoption meeting, there was nothing like disappointment anyways. I was used to it by now.

      Suddenly, I was able to re-grip the edge with my left hand. This time I gripped on with a more firm grip. Now I knew that I had a strong, fighting chance at making it out of here alive.

Now that I was low enough, I let go of the windowsill and dropped. I had made it. No one... was getting in my way...

Not this time...

Adopted By Kelly SeverideWhere stories live. Discover now