female beerus x immortal reader

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A/n: in this you'll be an immortal human, mainly because it's very rare in dragon Ball to have a really strong human and mainly because saiyans are mostly paid attention to the fandom. Also happy late Easter everyone 😊

As the dust Infront of you clears up revealing the dark green skin  of  the beast Infront of you. You stood with a sharp glare looking into it's eyes angrily.
"I'll ask you this one more time!,who the hell are you and why are u doing this?" You said gritting your teeth in anger of not knowing what was happening. The mystery man you were up against did nothing more than ball his fist up before uttering the words "...show me" as his body omitted a blue light around it before he lept forward appearing Infront of you before he presses forward at you with a ball of light. You then grabbed his arm in retaliation sending the blast into the air before slamming him into the arena around you. Ever since the match between the two of you started,he's been listening closely to what people have been saying about you and from there has been preparing himself to fight against you up to this very moment. After you began to swing him around by the arm,you then attempted to throw him before he grabbed you by the collar with his free hand and headbutt your hard enough to make you let go.

"Oh this isn't good at all" roshi said with his fist balled as he limps with a broken arm. "Y/n's going to die...and it's going to be...gh! All my...fault" he said as he fell to his knee holding his arm. Bodies of all your comrads were
Skattered about beaten and bloodied from the retaliation against the mystery man from earlier. Before you let go of the mysterious green man you were uppercuted into the air before you were elbowed In the stomach making u spit up blood.

"Y/n....y/n! come on kick his ass!" Another person said as he looked up at you being brutalized by the mystery man.

(This is how the guy your fighting looks but with a black hood)

"Stop stawling already and fight for real!" He shouted before you punched him several times in the chest. Every punch you threw he caught and each time blocked you were hit head on in the face. With his hand in a palm position he began to try and slice into u with his claws which u caught with your hand and getting stabbed through. You then caved your fist deep it his chest before before flinging him into a wall swiftly with a barrage of blows he blocked.

(Time skip to an hour)

After an hour or so you were exhausted and brutaly wounded with ripped up clothing as well. "Damn it....i can't....let you...get away with any of this! rrrraaagh!" You shouted as you hit him with all the power you had left to stay standing. The punch went straight for his face,the guy only grabbed your fist and began to crush it tightly.

"Pathetic.....yet I hear you're the strongest student of this dojo" he uttered Before holding his hand wide open up to your face.

Before all hope was lost for you.....a feminine voice was heard only by you saying "y/n....think of what will happen if you don't give it your all now...your very being will be Nothing more than a memory....a pathetic...weak...memory"

Thinking of what the voice,said you thought of all you cared about and suddenly had a massive burst of energy erupt from you as you yelled out in anger.A dark surge of power courses through you,your eyes were now burning red along with your body now having an odd symbol on your chest and left arm like some kinda thorn vines. As u readed your fist to beat down the namekian,he formed a red pulsing around his hand as he stabbed you in heart as he smirks at u and says "hah! You're far too late to show me that pathetic-AAGH!" He tells as you broke his wrist.

As u took his had out your chest your heart was ripped out as well,but...as as it fell to the ground. You crushed the beating hear with your foot as a new once and shifting and molding inside you.

Your chest and  wounds were now closing as well.

As you then threw the man aside you pressed forward and bore a hole in his chest with your fist before saying in an angry menacing tone "....was that Enough for you?...or do you want to suffer more?" Before he could answer a massive pulse enruotrd from your arm into him as his body shifted and glowed before bursting.

After that you were now completely blacked out as u fell over with a blood staines hand.

(Time skip to the presentation t day)

Pov beera

As I lie asleep in my bed peacefully,I had that same dream I've been having recently about this "immortal" I can't stop thinking about...I know I've been waiting for the super Saiyan god half my life...but it's something about that immortal that...I can't seem the shake fromy mind...was he a god?...or just one if those individuals who Happened to.

Awaken such an attribute?,whatever it is I want to find out...and lucky for me I'm heading to king Kai's and earth today anyway.

"It's time to get up my lord...you've been asleep for nearly a mallinium and youre going to miss out on- "I know whis! I'm getting up now just gimme a minute!" I yelled lazily falling out of bed.

(Time skip to earth)

As we were now on earth,I've been in search if this immortal for about an hour or so,And am getting frustrated!
I know he's here and will destroy this pathetic planet unless he shows himself!....on the other hand the foods here is quite Devine. Especially these mortals call cal-zones is it. Hmph I don't know what it's called but it's great!,anywho let's not get off topic here. Right now I was meeting the one they call y/n,otherwise known as (N/n) he had a long black short sleeved jacket and white T-shirt and necklace along with silver (e/c) eyes and long (h/c) hair as well. For some reason he made my face heats up looking into his eyes. It was like looking into a calming ocean of bliss that I couldn't escape from "hi there you must beer-i mean lord beera" he correct himself. As he did I decided that now was my chance to ask him "yep that's me...and you must be the immortal y/n I've been hearing about... correct?" I asked him...he stayed silent for awhile before attempting to walk off as I sighed in defeat. Seeing as though he probably wasn't I decides to use this chance to get s quick snack...well until fat ass ate all the God damn pudding!

(Time skip to after she gets pissed)

As I was about to turn eart into dust...y/n steppes Infront of me and shot me a glare as his body gave off a dark fire aura as he clenched his fists

"Look here beera...I don't want to have to fight you like this...I don't want to end up killing you in the process...so please...let's just drop this and-" before he could finish I was about to chop his neck but her flung me into the ocean before throwing a ki blast into my stomach as I grit my teeth in pain giving him several blows to the head as he flew back at me with a solid elbow to the head before I cough you a bit if blood and lunch in the stomach making him do the same.

As we were fighting nonstop. A certain someone was close by watching us from afar.

A/n: that'll do it for this chapter of this insert. It took awhile to try and think of what to do in this and it any gave me an idea of how the next part to this will be.

Also should I make a devilman story?,I mean there aren't that may out there and I've only been readies one of them that actually has a male reader and have been thinking of doing a few sbooks on that franchise as well. So please comment below what you think I should do after this,also keep this request going as well. I wanna see what challenge u guys have for me

female various x male reader (OPEN REQUEST)Where stories live. Discover now