Beautiful Mess (Extended)

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Cara groaned as her eyes cracked open and she was assaulted by natural light of the sun streaming in through the bedroom window and blaring alarm sounds from somewhere around the room. Scrunching up her face she moved away from the light as much as she could, only to find herself colliding with Kendall’s body when she tried to snuggle back down into the duvet.

“You’re adorable in the morning,” Kendall said laughingly as she stared down at Cara’s rumpled form. The blonde was adorable even with her bedhair and sleepy face.

“If you want to turn off your alarm clock’s phone, it’s on your side of the bed,” the brunette told her.

Cara hurriedly turned it off before getting back to her position as she made an incoherent grumbling sound in her throat, which Kendall thought that the blonde was saying something like “too early” and “why so noisy”, before the blonde curled into her and tried to go back to sleep once again.

“It’s Monday,” Kendall said smiling as Cara hugged her body, her hand moving to the blonde’s head to pet her hair. “We have work to do. Well, not exactly sure if you have work for today, but I am.”

“I hate work,” Cara muttered, though the fact that she was speaking in full sentences let Kendall know that she was well on her way for being fully conscious.

“It always happens so early,” Cara complained sleepily followed by a chuckle from the brunette.

“You need to get up,” Kendall said softly, stroking Cara’s cheek lightly, a smile still playing across her lips. Even though she was a little bit whiny, Cara was unbelievably cute when she first woke up. “You need to go home, I need to get ready and going to a studio downtown.”

“Why are you kicking me out?” Cara mumbled as she began to pout. “We just got together last night.”

It’d been nine months after they had decided to give their relationship a try and after that night where they made love for the first time, Cara practically followed Kendall wherever she went, at least for the next couple months or so. But then somewhere along last year, she had to fly away and stayed in Europe for working on a new TV series.

And finally, after almost six months being away from the brunette, Cara finally went home to her girl last night.

“Babe, you know it’s not like that. I just need to get ready or I’m gonna be late, and judging by how early you’re setting your alarm phone I bet you have work too today. So wake up, and get ready at your new place because ever since you bought a house in the hills, you no longer keep any clothes in my place,” Kendall explained calmly.

Cara sighed dramatically, “Can I just get ready from here? But I need to borrow your clothes or something, since my assistant took my suitcases to my house,” she said.

“I’m much taller than you, I don’t think my clothes fit you well.” Kendall teased the blonde, knowing Cara would complain some more with her reason.

Which Cara did as she scoffed instantly.

“You’re full of crap, Kenny. You’re only slightly taller than me, I think your clothes would fit me just fine. But hey, since you’re such a cheapskate, I’m just gonna wear my last night clothes to go, but then again you ripped most of it so… underwear parade it is.” She then smirked smugly.

Kendall’s smiling face immediately changed into a darker expression. “Take any clothes you want. There’s no way you’re doing all the walk of shame with papz camping all over my place as usual. Seriously, keep your exhibitionist tendencies in my bedroom. Tits and vag flashing to the whole world is so not hot.” She warned the blonde, her tone unmistakably filled with possessiveness that Cara began used to hear ever since they’d became more than friends.

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