Hers (pt. 3)

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You never tell Cara about that Kendall’s incident. You don’t know why, but you feel Kendall seems so lost —well both of them are— you take pity on her, you decide she doesn’t need more trouble from anyone if you’re start telling. You feel sad for both of them, they’re both looking miserable, even though they’re coping in different way.

You didn’t miss random girls throwing themselves to your captain, and since Cara isn’t on her best moment, she took advantage of them. And vice versa.

It’s heartbreaking seeing Cara sabotages herself like that.

It’s heartbreaking seeing her broken smile with her eyes are no longer shining bright like they used to.

It’s heartbreaking seeing Kendall waited for her after practice but Cara managed to go away without being notice.

It’s heartbreaking seeing Kendall waited for her in front of Cara’s car in the parking lot until it’s dark and you can’t help not to tell her that Cara already went home hours ago.

It’s heartbreaking seeing Cara’s looking longingly toward her ex-girlfriend.

It’s heartbreaking seeing both of them trying to move on, but you caught them stealing glances every time they had a chance instead.

At some point you don’t know what’s going on, you don’t know why you care about them more than you care about your own life. Your girlfriend hasn’t say anything but you know she’s starting to get annoyed. But since she’s so into you —apparently— she’s willing to tolerate your obsession.

One day, your coach called you and asked you to meet him in his office. After you’ve getting briefed by him about the next athletic event, he gave you some responsibility to take care some local sports event along with Cara. He asked you to pass along the instructions to Cara, because apparently she’s been hard to reached lately and he didn’t have time for searching for your captain.

You texted Cara and you asked her to meet you, wherever she’s comfortable to. She replied to you few hours later and asked you to meet her at some coffee shop near her neighborhood.

So there you are, on the way meeting with your former crush, along with your girlfriend of course. She wouldn’t let you meet your 'obsession' by yourself, so for once she abandoned her favorite Ducatti and took her dad’s Range Rover to drive you instead.

“She could ask you to meet in the field, or at some fucking bleachers tomorrow, but nooo…..she wanted you to meet her in a goddamn coffee shop on Thursday night instead! It’s so fucking fishy! Motherfucking British! I bet she wants to get into your pants!” Kristen rants, while driving like a mad-woman.

“Oh would you stop that! She obviously knows I’m with you, and it’s a freakin coffee shop for God sake! Or would you prefer her asking me to talk in her room instead?”

She glares at you briefly before turning back to look facing the street again.

“What’s so fucking important that you can’t even say on the fucking phone for fuck sake?!!”

You roll your eyes over her jealousy and decide not to answer her somewhat question. You turn to your right and looking at the window and watching the busy street instead.

You’ve finally arrived at the coffee shop in another twenty minutes. When you enter the coffee shop you’re looking around all over the place until you see her sitting in the corner part of the café where most people would miss that corner if they’re not familiar with the place. She’s sitting next to the large window, her face expression is gloomy as ever just like in these past few weeks.

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