Wishing on the Snow

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00.58 AM.

The weather was cold.

The house was filled with silence.

With an exception of a laptop’s keyboard being typed quietly by the owner of the house.

The blonde woman stopped typing for a while, so that she could relax her muscles. She’d been typing non-stop for almost two hours now. After stretching from where she sat, she slowly stood up from the study chair, observing the window in front of her. Watching how the snow seemed never stop pouring their magic. She hated to admit, but the sight of the snow always made her want to make a wish on something. It reminded her when she was still a child.

She used to love the snow.

Very much so, she even used to wake up early during the first day of snowing, just so she could lie on the snow and trying to swim on it. It always made her mom scolded her.

But now.....

Now she hated it.

Now, she couldn’t wait the snow to be gone.

She couldn’t wait the winter to be over so that she didn’t have to watch another white road.

No longer snow on her window.

No longer snow on her driveway.

No longer snow on the way to work.

No longer snow on the way home.

But most importantly, it would be no longer reminiscing the reason why now she hated the snow with every beat of her heart.

She turned around from the window, a scowl began to form on her beautiful face as she walked into the kitchen to make another cup of tea. The memories always killed her on the inside, every single time. She stood there in her kitchen, trying to forget everything that made her hurt as she put a pot of water on the stove. For long silence of minutes, she was just standing there and waited the water to boil, then she looked at the clock.

01.05 AM.

Cara gulped.

She didn’t know why, but her heart was thumping faster than usual. For no reason, at that. She then touched her chest, trying to calm her heartbeat. Minutes passed by, but somehow her heart still thumping faster than usual.

The sound of the pot signaling that water had boiled almost surprised her. She turned off the boiling water on her stove, and decided to cancel her tea and went to sleep instead. For some reasons, she didn’t want to be there in the kitchen any longer.

Just as she was going to her room, her phone buzzed from the desk where her laptop was on it.

She was confused and somewhat shocked that someone called her cellphone that late. She looked at the clock briefly.

01.12 AM.

She frowned at how late it was and frowned some more seeing the unknown number. She was almost reject it before she thought maybe it was her mom trying to call her from wherever she was at that time, since she was always travelling around the world.

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