Hers (pt. 1)

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My attempt on 'Your Point of View' or Y/N featuring CaKe.

This CaKe is in the same universe with the one in Not Everyone’s Cup of Tea series (this one shot mainly in the same timeline with Teacher’s Pet and Figure Things Out storyline.....and some in the future). ;)

In case you haven’t read it, here’s the summary of CaKe's relationship in that book:

CaKe are both popular in their high school even they aren’t in the same clique. Cara is the captain of the female track team and Kendall is the captain of the cheerleaders. They were childhood friends turned frenemy turned girlfriends.

Warning: implied g!p (girl-peen), but it’s still readable for non-g!p readers because there’s no sex scene in this one shot and the condition only mentioned briefly. But if you’re not into g!p stories at all, even though it’s only slightly mentioned, I suggest don’t read this one shot. :)

Ps: This is an 12,000-ish words of one shot, but it’s been cutted in three parts for wattpad.










You are full of darkness.

You hate everything in this life. Everything makes you depressed, everything makes you miserable, everything makes you want to disappeared from the misery that is called life.

You’re cynical, skeptical, pessimistic, your thoughts are full of every negativity all put together in one brain. Basically, you feel you don’t belong in this life.

Especially in this high school.

They all look the same. They all look straight from the popular people in instagram with hundred thousands of likes for their selfies. Plump lips, pointed cheeks, high cheekbones, wavy hair, cat-eye shape of eyeliners for the girls, same hairstyle, facial hair for the boys, with well built body with a six pack sometimes eight.

They’re also have to wear the high-end designer clothes, and have to own some yeezy shoes, and also driving Italian sport cars or at least a Range Rover. Like .......... seriously, you’re practically watching 90210 slash Gossip Girls coming to life.

Not only they’re filthy rich, they’re also shallow as fuck, because all they care is the outside appearance, which is why they probably went to the same plastic surgeon, with how similar their face are within each other.

Ughh ...... is there anything worse than all this shallow, rich, ungrateful kids?

Wait, there is.

You roll your eyes when you see the person you hate the most walking past through you in the hallway. Hate is such a strong word but you’re not going to correct the term. You hate that person. Loathe even.

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