Me: Rasul!

Rasul: What?!

Me: WAs there other females you fucked out here ?

Rasul: I plead the 5th.

I tripped his bitch ass !

Rasul: Yo stop fucking playing before i smack ya dumb ass up !


We knocked on the door .She lived in a pink house, she had a few and a do mean a few roses planted outside her front door.

Marisol: RASool , RASool !

THis hoe with this long pretty ass hair and a big belly flew out this door and jumped in my mans arms. I was confused bitch i stood back. THey start the speaking in spanish and holding hands like muthafucking love me lucy or someshit girl i was shocked.

Rasul: lwkjnweonwounf  wenfobaen  owefnjwbfwenewnfewofn

Marisol: wwkrjf wefnownfo RASool kjwrkj wec Rasoooool

I kept rubbing my ear because i thought maybe i was hearing things. I knew Sul knew some shit from meeting different people and being in jail but i never knew this pussy spoke spanish fluently. I pulled him by his shirt closer to me

Me: Well what's going on over here ?

Rasul: She's telling me she misses me and how she's lucky to see me because her grandmother has passed so she has nobody but her uncles who are all hitmen and live their lives from pillow to post.

Me: When did you start speaking spanish?

Rasul: My PO actually taught me.

Marisol: bovictus  innu pbhpih iibo RASoooooool ?

Rasul: hgffbbyv  ubobb  iynnnuv  ubvvuvceb  yfxrgu

Bitch i'm just still in shock, but i do hear sul say hermano which is brother i know aint tryna play me! I tapped his arm and asked what he said ?

Rasul: i just told her you was my brother


Rasul: ofoubj bgcvvb ytccvbi

She covered her mouth and begin crying. She ran into the house. Sul ran after her, hes just the heartbreaker these days.

I walked in the house, the place was dingey then a muthafucker, it smelled like cigarettes and mangos. There was shit flying, i had to swat. She had a lil doggy, he looked like ET. I went in there were they were . sis was holding rasul hand on her lap and he was speaking in spanish. She turned around looking at me like i had shit on my face.

I kept looking at her belly, it was protruding.

He kept speaking to her in spanish and from his hand movement and gestures i figured he was explaining to her about us.

SHe began to cry.

Rasul: She says she thought i loved her, now she has lost her love to another man.

Me: Well explain to sis that you belonged to me first.

Rasul: She is in danger baby.

Me: WYm ?

Rasul: The cartel won't deal with her anymore because she is pregnant. She had no way of making money.

ME: ANd you were going to leave her here, then what?!

I moved closer to her, i rubbed her hand and repeated it will be okay.

Rasul: We have to take her back home .

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