whats the deal

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i wakened up to a sleeping gay on my chest. she were... holding my boobage..


(that's me blushing with eight eyes) 

"Teeeeeeeerple" i saided and boked her cheey. "ggnhhgh blgh" she says. i nod. "i know" i say. "it is waken time tho" i say. she locks up at me even tho she cant see its just for the effect u knowso its like we are making eye contacts even though shes not actually looking in my eyes but is probably smelling them cause they smell like blueberries to her and she likes that i think.. 

"Cmon 'Rezi we need to mphph--" she SMONCHES ME TO CUT ME OFF!!! "ssshhhhh" she says and puts her head back on my boobies

i am so blue in the face right now.. she has me so gay. "UGH Okay that was a pretty gay move but we need to get up! See what that Boy is up to..." i shooka shaka her. "but i dont like boooyyysss" she says with tired frowns. "I know we're lesbians but we need to get revenge on that... that... ugh I hate him so much I can't even think of a good mean name!!!" we r now sitting up because i have made us sit up with my angry maneuvores. "sheesh vriska your vores are so anger!!" she emclamted. 

"I am sorry! I'm just so RRHGGHHH worked up about this nasty fish!" i said and swing my arms all about. She place a hand on my sholder. "yes" is all she says and clothes her eyes. oh. i sigh. "Cmon trepy if you get up illl...." i thought for it "take u to dennys!" terezi loves her dennys. 

instantly her eyes WHIPPED open and she JUMPED up onto the floor next to the cough. "DENNYS" she screeched. "haha" i said in a chorckle. she raninto our room and then came back out with her people clothes on. 

"READY TO DO A DENNY!!!" she yellered. "nice" i said and i did a spin and was in new clothes like in the sims. just trust me. 

and we where off!! 

we gotted their and aradia was the waitor?? ?

"Hey aradia? I thought you worked at sevlev??" I askerde. I thought she worked at sevlev... 

"oh yeah it exploded lmao" she said and handed us some menus. "oh" ternzi and i said in unicons. terezi already knowing what she wanted so she dint even opened it but i didnt know yet so i locked in it and looked. i perused the it and looke at the list and saw it. oooh moons over my hammy looks pretty tastey! 

arda wigs comes back and takes are orders. terezi orders everything off the kids menu. "listen up, rusty (that's what i call you because of your rust alergie) when i mean everything i mean EVERYTHING. if even one thing is missing i WILL sue." she says. aradia nods nervously and writes it down. i also order a chocoalte milkshake cause its yummie! slirp! thats the sound ill make when im drink it. 

about a half and hours later aradia and a team of other peoples who had to help get all of terezis food to her. they set it all down on the table and i took a BIG SLORNP of my shakey shake!! yummie. 

terezi grinned smelling up all of her food and in one swift movement mashed it all together in one big conglomorate of childrens food in front of her. she took a big whiff of it all and said "TASTEY" and started eating it up with her hands. 

i barely even ate any of mine cause i was just staring at her cause shes so hot!! i mean wow... she's just downing all the food by the literal handfuls! only the extremely well trained can do that.. im so impressed and gay! i do eventually finish my foods though SOMEHOW even with thos MAJOR FUCKIN HOTTIE sitting across from me lmao she looks up at me and winks when she has a mouthfool of food in her hole and im like WOAH!!! hot.

after we do our denny and leave after paying and it actually wasnt that much! dennys has some quality prices even tho there food is p shitty! plsu theyre open always so like u can always go in even at 4 am! one time i did go at four am with my mom and sister and we where all in are pjs and no one else was there it was so good. but that was before i hated them XD

anywaffles ex dee

afterwards swe wented to the 99 cent store and we are just walking down the isles when terezi spots a carton of eggs. "eggs" she says and points. i nod. she takes the carton and sticks it in her jacket. "Terezi what are you doing" i say. she laughters. ok... we walk out and she pulls a shopping cart out of the little thingie of shopping carts u know what i mean. she jumps in. "PUSH ME!!!" she says. how could i argue with that!

i push her around theparking lot laughing were both laughing gayly. 

as we were running around i saw... a shadowing figure in the back ground..... a flowing cape.. glowing whiteness...

i stopped terei was still lauhging cause she didnt see it. "whats up?" she said when i stoppwed pushing her. "it's him" i said. she turned around "oh no" 

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