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Today it is this morning. Treffle and I is going to Jode Halley's house today to drop a visit by her house! We arrive at the place and are here. 

KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK (thats tthe sound of me nocking on the door) 

Jade opens the door to us. "Hey guys! " she says letting us in threw the door that is open and she opens it more. "whats going on?" she meandrs, thinkingly. 

"We were just thinking about how gay everyone is and remindered that you have a wife so we watned to come over and see the gay" I explanationed. Jade smiled "oh haha! well she is at her dads place right now! but i am happy to hang out with you!" 

"I WANT GAYS!!!" Trenny screeched. Jade goggled. "She should beback in a couple hours!" jade comforted "while shes gon we can play a game! :O" She said the :O out loud like she literally said colon oh lmao i love her. "jade you are a gift" i said. she smiled and gaggled some more. 

"WHAT GAMES YA GOT?!!?" Tarzan inquired. Jaed thinka's for a moment then is know of it. "we can playing scrabbel!" she say. She pulled the scranble box out of thin aire and set of up it and. she gave us the lil things u put the letters in and some letres. Tanvi scooped up all her letters and shoved them in her mouth. Jade laughed uncomforbly. Terzi made a LOUD slorping sound and smilked as she spit out all the letters and placed hem on her stand thingy. Wet.

"Ok i will start!" exlaimd Jande. She places down the picked letter down them and speller oot "cute" haha aw "Ok Vriska you torn!" she say. I contempl8 my lattres. huhuhu... yes...

i place down to spell "terezi" onto jades t uwu "wow good job! Thats some good points with the z!" jaed examines. "Yeah thanks I know" I said with a flip of the hair. "your turn tepple!" jaed exclamamammed. 

Trezi leaned in real cloze to the bored and took BIG SNIFF. She rubbed her chin in conteplation. One by one, she placed down her sticky wet letters oon to bored. Off of my z she spelled zebra. it was happened on some double point qsuared! "AHAHAHAA I AM SCRABLASTER! THATS SCRABBLE AND MASTER TOGETHER XD" she yammered. 

As Jaed began looking at the lettres desisioning her move there was a sound like "clicklydlclicklciclakc" of the lock being onlocked! "She's back!" Jade got up. Trezi stood up and KICKED the scrapple bored bc she had had enuff of that. 

from the front rum were the door is we heard... whinspering.... "swhshwhshwhs eridan shshwhshshwhsh starbuvks sshwhshwhsh back shshwhssh real bad shshwhsh wedo/?" hmm... what could they be talking about? ??

"WE HAVE TO CALL NEPETA" Jade's wife called out in dismay. The two runched into the room were we where. "Oh hi vapelife and ratbaby" jades wife said in a quickly. She pulled out her kawaii pink fone and dialed a nunmber. it bring bringed for a second then she screamed, "NEEPLES COME QUICK ITS A AMERIGENCTY!!!" and then went CLAT! (oh yeah she also has a flip fone like me cause it is Kool) Literally rite after the clat neepdeep came in "wassup" she said non shalontly. 

"its the fish boy!" jade cried. Neepers went from "haha hello im col" to "i will fucking kill that man" in a instand. 


She puts her hands in her pockets and looks down slightly and a shadow falls over her eyes like in the animes. "How did he get out...." she says in a stern but quit voicing. "i do not know!! :(" says jaed. Neprep smriks "heh... still got some scars from what that man did to me" what the fuck is happening. I lean over to trezi "yo wtf happened with eridan i still dont understand a god damn thing" 

terezi just goes like "SSSSSHHH!!!" welp. I continue listening in total and absolute confushion. 

"Do you thin he escapered? Or just was let to exit?" Jade's wife says with concernation. Neffer dramatizedly locked out the widdow "... he definitely broke out" 

"wait was eridan in jail? ???" i whisper to texmex. she nodded "what did he do what happened??" teppy locked at me like a had 8 heads! "Vaskers you where THERE! Water fuck do you mean!?" 

Jade was crying.

"We cannot let this mannace stap anymore peepo. We have to find him." neep said and toked out her phone dialing the nine one one. "Eridan Ampora is out we have seen him latencley." after another sec she hanged up. "ockt hey said they will take car aof it! :33 who want ice cream! my trear!" 

what the fuck

"HELL YEAH" Termite yelleed with loudly. I was still don't know what happening. 


when we got to the basket rob-ins i locked at all the flavorurs. "hmmmmmmmm" i said. Tempy did not even having to lock! she know her poision lol "CHERRY PLEASE!" she screm. The guy behind the counter doin the spoocin nodded nervussly and put lots of the cherey frozen cow ujuice in to a bowl. "here you uhh here you g-go" he said shakily with hands that shaked. 

"yeah ill get fuckin uuuhhhhhhhhhhh blue rasberry" i said "OH and could i get in boneless pls" the dude looked confused a sec but then smiled he new the meme. "haha good one" he said scoping the cream into it. 

Neffer god mint and chip ice cream jade gt some frooty sorbay idk and her wife got pink cotton candy flavoured caw juice. 

We all sitted down at an table to enjoy the goodness. "So can someone please tell me what the UFCK hapennd winth the boy??" I pondered. 

"Vriskeres whut do u mean?" nepter said "You where their!!" I crosted my arms. "hmph" i said. 

"wow. if you really dont remempurr? he stabbed me!! and then went to jail lol.. and then he got out? and we did this hole plan think were we set it hup and he went on a dait with jades wife (they where only gfs at thi time) and made him thing he was goin BONKERS and then called the popo (even though that wasnt part of the plan)" neepl glared at jades wife "and he got jailed for life sentence nya!" i stared at her with my mouth open "but now he got out but i called the police theyll get him its chill" 

"yeah lol how cood have you had forgot?" Teecky laughed at me. I shurgled in the turgled. 

"I GUESS that sound familyer?" i said even tho it id not i ahveno fuckin cloo wat the ppl r tlaking about lol. 

"hehe its ok vriska! it is all voer now! lets enjoy this frozen cow juice, yeah?" jade said with a smilk. 

I tooked a bite of my ice cream.




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