vidya gaymes

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it is tiem for the vidya gaymes. we where all so EXCITEMENT when the mario party was suggstions!!! i already forgot who suggested it XD but thAT IS NOT OF IMPORTANCE!!! So we all was sitted on the couch and there wasnt not much of room so Terezi was sitting on my lap and it made me gayer. 

"I WANNA BE PEACH!!!!" jade excmlalalammaed. "awwww man i wanted to be peach!!!" lily said in consumation. jade licked her wifes cheek. lily gorgled. i chortled. "well im bowser OBVIRIOUSLY!!!!!!!!" i said. 

"yoshi!" nepeta said and did an impeccable yoshi impression if i do say so myself. Tarnzi hovered over the characters left and was left thinking and contemplemation rubbing her chinny chin chin in thinkery. it was a battle between waluigi and wario. "theyre both sexy but..." she said. she sighed and finally landed on waluigi. "good choice" i said and winked. waluigi is a hot as fuck. ((TL: hey can you even be bowser in mario party? i dont think you can? he's like a plot point in the game like he takes ur stars n shit so idk if u can play as him but idk i haven played mario party in a while so who's to say)) 

we start the playn of the game and GUSS who is in the front?? IT'S ME!!! DUH!!!!!!! I am always a winner XD just in case you were not of knowing it, i have AAAAAAAALL the luck!!!!!!!! terezi is in dead las but thats just cause she is barely evn paying attention XD she can rule at mario party if she was wanted to but she didn't so yeah. lily is right behind me. she is terrifyingly competitive so i am contemplationed to letting her win. and then jade behind her! and that is how it is going so far UNTIL BOWSER TAKES ALL MY FUCKING STARS ((TL: see i dont even know like im playin bowser but he also takes my stars? can that happen?? idk)) well not all of them that is exaggerationed he taked like 2 of them so i was just in second so lillith was forst. 

"HAHAHAHAHA SUCK ON THAT YOU FUCKIN EIGHT EYED PIECE OF FUCK!!!" lily said and danced around the room. "hey man what the fuck" i said. she danced around with her middle fingers up and her neko tail boundling all over the place!  "i am the cool!!!" she said. "yeah okay whatever btitich... you somehow got the luckiness this time but don't be so sure! you will pay for this i swear ti...." i said and GRASPED the contorler TIGHT in my palms. 

int he end lily did winned but thats just cause i let her okay i could have won SO easily but i was not doing my bery best in the mini games i am just saying i could whoop her ass any day of the week!!!! dont test me motherfucker!!!!!!!! ANYWAFFLES XD

after the gaming of mario party me an tenriz head back to our place. i think its an apartment im pretty sure. i havent wroten this one in a while XD so yeah anyways we go back to it and we PLORP down on the couch together. 

"hey" says tarnzo. "what do u thinks gonna happen to the fish" she sais. i shrug. "anything can happen when ur a bappen" i said shalently. she nods. "yeah" she says as she drifts off to sleep on my shoulder and am gay.

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