Really Sick

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Jimi has to do most of the work because I am sick. I threw up so much I lost all my baby weight plus more. Jimi took me to the hospital and they put an IV in me, gave me medication and put me on bed rest until I get rid of this and get some energy back. Cause I can barely move a step without nearly throwing up or passing out.

I feel horrible for making Jimi watch both kids and doing everything. Elijah misses cuddles and Joyce has to be switched to bottled milk cause we didn't want her getting sick. Jimi is terrified for me and constantly keeps checking on me. Which I love him dearly but I don't need him getting sick either. I miss my family... a lot.

I lay in bed and I hear Jimi come in.
"Hey baby... I brought you some fresh water and a couple crackers..." I'm on my side facing my night stand so I can watch him set the things down. He kneels beside me and pushes some hair behind my ear out of my face.
"How are you feeling...? Anything changing..?" I look at him with weak eyes and blink once. We came up with a code if I didn't have enough energy to talk. One blink means no and two means yes. Three means I need the bathroom Anymore than 4 and something is wrong.
"Baby... I wish I could help you... I hate seeing you this sick... if I could take it away I would in a heart beat... I need you..." I look at him the best I can with tears in my eyes. Jimi hasn't been one to share how he is feeling since I got sick, but now he is and I feel like shit. He has been doin so much and I just lay here. He's scared to death about me and I can't even get enough energy to tell him I love him.

I lay there and he wipes a tear away and I use all the energy in me and start to sit up.
"Baby..? Do you need something..? What's wrong? Please lay back down. I don't wanna lose you."
I look at him with a broken heart. Is he scared to lose me..? I feel like more shit now, I never wanted him to feel this way... he shouldn't have to worry about losing me. I feel awful and kinda dizzy. I open my mouth and I push out the words
"I love you." They're dry and hoarse but I manage to say it. He hugs me carefully.
"I love you too baby. I just want you better" I nod and he kisses my head and helps me take a sip of water. Then he helps me lay back down.
"Get some more rest. I need you to get better..." I nod again and he gets up and leaves. I lay there and fall back asleep.

A few days later after another trip to the hospital for an IV and tests. They decided to keep me in and Jimi freaked out and called everyone. His momma is here, my momma and daddy are here as well as the rest of the members of the band. I lay in my bed still feeling weak and tired all the time. But I am slowly getting better. I was able to keep down my soup today that the nurses gave me. I only ate a half of it but I haven't thrown it up yet. My daddy and momma were with me until Jimi came back. He took Elijah and Joyce home and his momma offered to watch them for us.

Once he was back my parents left to check into their hotel. Jimi sat in the chair next to me.
"Hey baby, how are you?"
"I've been better... I wish I could go home."
"I know baby, but you were home and you got worse, I want you better before we leave here."
"I know, I love you."
"I love you too. Jay called along with our tour manager..."
"I told him we needed to cancel shows and we'll make it up at the end of the tour."
"Thank you... I know it Sucks asking to cancel."
"I know baby. It's okay, as long as you get better. You're my world." I Smile and he kisses my hand.
"I miss our cuddles..."
"Well, I could cuddle you now..?"
"I don't want you sick."
"I spend every night in the same bed as you plus all day with you. I'll be fine." He gets up and I scoot over moving some wires and tubes and he lays beside me and holds me. I cuddle into him and relax.
"I've missed this..."
"Me too." He Holds me until I fall asleep.

I wake up a few hours later and see Jimi still holding me and awake. I turn and look around and a nurse knocks. Great timing.
"Hello Mrs. Westbrook. I came to check on you. How are you feeling?"
"I'm alright, kinda weak and tired..."
"That's perfectly normal in your state. Are the wires and tubes comfortable?"
"Yes, they're fine, thanks."
"Okay, And would you like to try eating some supper? If not we can leave you on the IV at a higher dosage..?"
"I'll try some food."
"Okay, I'll be back."
"Thanks." She leaves and Jimi kisses my head. I turn to him and smile.

After dinner Jimi was laying next to me on the bed holding me. I managed to eat all the soup and keep it down. I'm still on the IV to keep my health up. I was awake looking at Jimi while he had his eyes closed. He wasn't sleeping, he opened his eyes.
"Hey baby, you gonna rest?"
"Yeah... I will. I just like looking at you"
He chuckles and I cuddle him. We lay together and fall asleep.

A Month Later...

I am completely better, medication from the hospital worked. I wake up at home to an empty bed and I sit up. "Babe..?" I listen and I hear the shower running. I get up and keep the bed sheet around me cause I'm naked. I open the door more
"Just wondering where you were..."
"I'm in here."
"Room for another..?"
"Of course, there is always room for one more." I drop my sheet and step in. Jimi wraps his arms around me. I smile and kiss him. He pulls back after a while and smiles.
"How are you feelin?"
"Better... I've been better for a week."
"I'm just being cautious cause you said you were better two weeks ago but you threw up the next day."
"I know... I thought I was, But this time I'm sure."
"Okay. So what would you like to do?"
I pass him my shampoo and he gladly takes it and puts some in my hair and Messages it in for me.
"Hmm..? How about we just relax outside with the kids and have a camupfire. It'll be Joyce's first one."
"That sounds great. But it would be Joyce's 3rd campfire."
"What...? 3rd..?"
"Yeah. Becky and Phil had one while They were watchin her and same with Kim and Steve."
"So I missed her first campfire...?"
"Baby you were sick... it's not like they did it on purpose."
"What else did I miss.."
"Well... she smiled..."
"Really? I missed her first smile too?"
"Baby... I'm sorry.."
"No.. it's okay... I'll get over it."
He holds me and I kiss his cheek and step out of the shower..

He gets out and we both get dried off and dressed. And go get our kids. Once we are all home, I make dinner and we set up a movie. Joyce is asleep upstairs and Jimi, Elijah and I are cuddling on the couch and watching the movie. Elijah moved to the floor with a blanket and a pillow cause 'Daddy and I aren't comfy' I laughed at his words as he went to the floor. Me and Jimi laid down on the couch with him spooning me. After half the movie, Jimi fell asleep, I can hear slight snores from him. I look at Elijah and he looks asleep too. I carefully get up and pick Elijah up. I take him to his room and tuck him in giving him a kiss on the head, I shut his door and check on Joyce and I close her door and turn around and jump. Jimi is standing in the hallway behind me.
"Gosh Jimi."
"I'm sorry babe. I turned off the movie and have the baby monitor."
"Thank you. Let's go to bed."
"Yes momma." I Smile and he puts a hand on the small of my back and guides me to our room. He shuts the door as I go into my closet and change. He comes in and wraps his arms around me as soon as I have my clothes off.
"Hey... I'm getting dressed for bed."
"I like you like this."
"If we sleep like this then there will be carrying on and then we wake up like this to Elijah coming in."
"Carrying on is fun and set an alarm before he gets up or put my shirt on after we finish."
"I hate that you find ways around everything."
"I think your smarts are finally rubbing off on me."
"It's about time." He pokes my sides and I laugh. He chuckles as I turn in his arms.
"You're beautiful Karen."
"I still have some baby weight to get rid of."
"Stop. What did I just say."
"Nope. What did I say?"
"That I was beautiful..."
"And I think you are no matter your size. You're my wife, and I love you."
"Exactly. You're my husband so you have to say that."
"I don't have too. I could lie. But I like the truth."
"Shut up..."
"I'm serious babe. I love you and you're body the way it is before we met, when we met, now after our two babies, and in the future after years of sun and wrinkles."
"Wrinkles? Really..?"
"Yes. Because like I said. No matter what you or I look like. I love you for you. And all that comes with you."
"I love you too."
"Good." He Picks me up and I wrap my legs around him and hold onto him.
"Now let me go show you how fond I am of your body." I laugh and kiss him as he takes me to our bed. He lays me down and he discards his clothes and crawls above me and things got heated many times.

Jimi's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning and the bed was a mess. Wow. We sure had fun. I put boxers on after we finished. Karen put on my shirt and a pair of shorts. She was out like a light after words. I looked at her now and she was still out. Her hair was a ball of mess, her legs were apart so I know I must have hurt her some. She usually closes her legs. I feel kinda bad and let her sleep. She needs the rest after last night. We started near 10 and she didn't sleep until 3 or 4. I got up and fixed the bed the best I could with her still sleeping. Elijah is usually up by now but he's not. I shrug and say screw it and climb back into bed. I lay near Karen and she moves into my side in her sleep. I smile and hold her. Nothing is better than my life right now.

From This Dreamजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें