Chapter 5 pt.2

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The scent of cookies is present, Felix must have finished. Once the sound of water hits my ears I know he's cleaning the dishes. I sit up and look over, the cookies are packed neatly and Felix is washing the dishes. I get up and head over.

"You passed out." I nod. "You really scared me, are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry about that." He turns the water off and turns to me gently grabbing my hand.

It burns slightly when he does, something doesn't want him to see what I saw. Adrian doesn't want him to see, it has to be him. I pull my hand away quickly as it starts to burn more. Felix seems startled by it.

"I'm so sorry, I don't know what happened. Am I overheating?" He's panicking slightly.

"No, no, it's fine....I just....become sensitive after passing out." He looks at me not totally sure if I'm telling the truth.

Adrian please make this possible to convince him. I grab a nearby cup and let go showing him my hand as it shows slightly red just like when he grabbed me. Thank you Adrian, but what do you want me to see?

"Oh, I'm sorry for overreacting." He's convinced.

"Come on, we have a party to get to. It seems like it started thirty minutes ago." It's true as I look at the clock, we're late.

He nods and grabs the container with the cookies, we head out and towards James' house. It isn't to far but isn't as close as any of my.....old friends' houses. It's easy to spot his house as it's filled with people and lights and music. We walk in and Felix finds James to find where to put the cookies. James smiles to me before leading Felix to the kitchen. Lots of the people here are from school, I've never been to many parties so I just stay by the stairs to the next floor and dance a bit. I don't want to be noticed, I zip up my jacket then zip it down realizing how hot it will get with so many people in one house. It's sad dancing alone, I'm usually with my friends when we go to parties. And most of the time I'm dragged out with them, but I don't think I really regret going to those parties. I don't regret this either, until I notice someone coming towards me. Cloud! I turn and start heading up the stairs but I know he's coming. He runs up behind me and grabs my wrist running upstairs and into the bathroom. Throwing me in and slamming the door, turning to me I can't tell if he's mad or not like Tamara was.

"Alex...please tell me you didn't do them....I need the truth." He's...sad? I don't know, I wish I did.

"I didn't do them...I would never kill them." I stand my ground because I know the truth.

"Then what happened." It's not a question, it's a command.

"I knows of both deaths, I witnessed Roy's death and I was accused of Emily's death because I knew both of them and there was evidence that I was present. But I didn't kill them. Jordan's gun was replaced and Emily was pushed, I'm sure of it." He leans back against the door.

"Then who do you suppose it was..." He wants one answer and only one answer, and I know that answer.

"Cloud, I don't think it was Felix. I know you don't trust him, but he hasn't done anything bad. He's always been there for me, he's listened to me when I needed someone to talk to, and he's just the sweetest thing." That's all, that's the truth.

"Alex!" His voice is starting to shake. "Are you even listening to yourself?! Because I'm definitely listening! I've been listening, and I still want to listen. I want to listen to you, to your voice but I can't. I want to be there for you. But I can't because I'm forced to believe everyone else when I don't want to."

"Cloud...I'm sorry..." I really am.

"When it comes to you against the world....I'm want to be with you but I'm dragged away. You have to see the truth." He stands and walks closer to me grabbing my hands with a sorrow sad feeling. "Please, you have to get rid of Felix."

"No. I'm not getting rid of him." I pull my hands away and back up. "There's nothing wrong with him. He's amazing, he's caring, and he truly loves me like family. I think. But he loves everything about me, there's nothing evil about that."

"I LOVED YOU!" He's crying, right in front of me, so close I can feel his shaky breath on my face.

He turns away and leaves. I can feel the tears streaming down my face now, I can feel that my heart has been somewhere else before. I'm so sorry. If I had known...maybe. I lock the bathroom door and sit on the edge of the tub. Everything seems louder now, the muffled music is louder, the sound of talking and yelling is louder, am I having a panic attack?

"Alex?" Felix is on the other side of the door. "Alex I know you're in here, some kids said you got dragged up here by someone. Is everything okay?"

I stay quiet.

"Alex open the door. Is someone in there with you?" He tries the door. "Alex?"

I look at the window. I don't have much of a choice to escape. I walk over and open the window, climbing out and making my way down and jumping hurting my ankle a bit. I hear the bathroom door break open, and I hide in the bushes. I can see his shadow peering out the window.

"Alex?!" He goes back in.

I can hear sirens in the distance and kids starting to scatter from the house. The neighbors called the cops again. I get up and start running for my house, even if my ankle hurts I don't stop until I'm in and locked. I'm not thinking straight, I can't. I don't need to anymore. I head for my room and open my closet pulling out an old box of things I almost forgot about. Even the old pill bottle still full with pills. I pull it out and open it pouring a bunch into my hand, I can't take this blame anymore. I shove them into my mouth.

"No!" Someone grabs my hand from my mouth even though the pills are in, and I see Adrian. "Don't do this! Don't make the same mistake I did!"

Adrian? He's here, and he's real. Emily and Roy are standing behind him, they're scared and shocked. This can't be real, did I die already.

"Spit the pills out! Now!" I do as he says and cough them out of my mouth. "Don't do that...please."

"Adrian? Emily? Roy? How?" Emily looks down but Adrian locks his gaze with mine.

"You're worth more than death. Alex, please." Emily looks at me now after Adrian finishes.

"Felix killed us." Everyone looks at her.

"For them it's true, for me I just wasn't thinking straight. Something got to me, like taking over me. But yes, Felix killed them. Jordan's gun was switched the morning it was announced that there was a dual. When he left you, that's where he went. To the gym room to replace Jordan's fake gun with his name label with a real one similar to the fake." Adrian looks at Roy who has the visible gun shot in her chest, and I notice Adrian has a visible rope mark around his neck too.

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