Chapter 2 pt.3

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I stand up and grab the letter off my desk throwing myself into bed and curling up into a small bundle of sadness. I hear a knock on my door, a light calming one from my mom.

"Are you still awake sweetie?" She opens the door slightly and looks at me. "Sweetie?"

"I'm fine mom.....Goodnight..." I hide my face in my pillow and quiet my voice enough to make her hear me but not hear the quiver in my throat.

"Goodnight sweetie. Sleep tight." She flicks my lights off and shuts the door walking to her room.

I hold the letter closer to me and silently cry for what seems like hours, but in only a few minutes I'm out. But I swear I could feel someone hugs me, was it my mom? Or my imagination? I can't recall at the moment. All I know is that it's morning now, and the day goes again. I change clothes and put my jacket on again with my headphones. I safety put the letter in the box and leave for school, I don't feel like eating breakfast at the moment. Cloud's already outside and waiting for me, I flash a quick smile and we begin walking to school in silence.

"You okay?" I look up and over at him, he looks concerned for some reason. "You have slight tear marks on your cheeks, were you crying? What's wrong?"

"It's nothing..." I turn away and wipe my face in hopes to get rid of the marks.

Cloud grabs my shoulder and stops me from walking, he walks in front of me and looks me in the eyes with a serious concern face.

"Alex, what's wrong?" He places a hand on my cheek and examines the marks, almost to close for comfort.

"I'm fine, I just had a bit of a rough night. I received a letter from Adrian." I gently move his hand and continue walking, he slowly follows after a moment of hesitation.

We get to school quickly and meet up with Tamara and Roy, Emily and Peggy are there too for some reason.

"Hey guys." Tamara waves to us with a smile. "Emily and Peggy will be hanging around all of us for the day, Emily says it's better than hanging with 'those kids'."

I give a small laugh before nodding to them, this seems to reassure Cloud that I'm fine. We all head out ways, Tamara and Roy leave as Emily, Peggy, Cloud, and I head for our first class. I can't help but notice darker spots in the school now, like shadows taking over corners or even walkways. I try to wave it off but the moment I look forward with a quick blink everything goes black, complete darkness all alone. But why? I don't know why but I start running, it's pointless to but I can't help it. Searching for any small glimpse of light, It's pointless. Everything is pointless. Why am I here? Why am I still running? No, stop, don't play attention to the voices. Just stop and breath, and that's exactly what I do.

"Alex!" I open my eyes quickly to Cloud hanging onto me as I lean on him, did I pass out? "Alex are you okay?"

Everyone's worried, but why?

"What happened?" They look at each other a bit confused, Emily looks to me and is the first to speak.

"You passed out, It scared all of us. Didn't you know? Most people know when they pass out." I straighten myself onto my feet and stand, but Cloud doesn't let go of me. "You should go to the nurse."

"No, I'm fine. Really, I am." Cloud looks up at me with concern, he gestures to the nurse's office but I shake my head and move his arms from around me. "Let's go."

"Peggy please check Alex for any signs of something  wrong." Peggy nods to Emily and walks closer, Cloud grabs my arms to ground me here while she scans.

I don't try to get away, they just want to help me. Whatever it is that's wrong with me. Peggy finishes scanning and backs up back to her spot next to Emily. She shakes her head signaling nothing is wrong, Emily sighs and starts walking. Cloud let's go and we follow behind them. As we enter I notice Blaze, Jordan, and Brook glare at us, luckily they sit nowhere near Emily. Emily heads to her seat while Peggy waits near the door. Me and Cloud head to our desk and sit quietly, I can tell Cloud keeps looking at me with concern. I know he is concerned but I can't tell him what's wrong, I don't know what's wrong.

"Cloud Woods, the office needs you." Ms. Ryoa is early, it's unlike her to do that but she's a teacher and probably has good reason.

Cloud gets up flashing me a small glance before leaving the class and walking out towards the office. I pull out my book before looking up at the board and seeing huge letters spelling out field trip. The field trip, I totally forgot it was today. I notice Blaze walking  over and I quickly duck my head to my book to maybe make her go away, but it doesn't work. She grabs my book and slams it down against the desk bending my wrist slightly in the process. I let go and scoot back slightly as she leans forward with anger.

"I see Emily's staying with you now." Her voice is rough now. "Give her back and no one gets hurt, she's my property not yours."

"It was her choice, not mine." She leans back slightly a bit surprised at me for standing up for myself for once, usually Cloud is here to do that but I can't take those words from her without a fight.

"We'll see how far you'll go till you break." She walks away without another word, I can tell today isn't going to be pretty nor easily avoided.

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