Chapter 2 pt.2

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"It might just be depression trying to take hold, memories pulling at the strings of feelings. Just relax, go on a walk tomorrow or something. Now, what universe would you like to play tonight? Mario? COD? Minecraft? What will it be?" He turns to the drawer and pulls out a few games.

"Not sure, any suggestions?" He pulls out a few more games and turns to me.

"Mario kart?" He holds up the game.

"Eight hours of rage from you." He tosses the game back into the drawer.

"Minecraft?" He points to the TV.

"Eight hours of rage from both of us cause we suck at parkour." We laugh and he grabs another game.

"Horror games?" He pulls a few out and holds them up.

"Eight hours of screaming from me probably." He shakes his head and puts them back.

"Call of duty?" He holds up all the different games.

"Eight hours of shooting people, sure." He puts the game in and flops down into his beanbag chair.

The game starts up, first round, already dead. Time passes as we play games, maybe an hour or so before I remember getting the robot.

"Oh Cloud! Pause it I have something important to tell you." He immediately pauses it and turns to me intrigued. "I found one of those robots for cheap, and I'm getting it very soon!"

"You are?! That's incredible! What are the details?" I didn't even think to check I was so out of it.

I pull out my phone and go back to my history to the page to check the robot. I pull it up and start reading, Cloud hangs over my shoulder reading too. The description is simple. Gender: male. Appearance: Orange hair, pale skin, white button up shirt, black pants, dark navy blue coat, and black sneakers. Very simple, much like Peggy.

"Looks like this bot will be a few inches shorter." Cloud points to the height description and I see it, he'll be about three to four inches shorter.

"At least I got a robot, a cheap one too. And the description is simple, nothing too special or fancy. I like it." He smiles as I put the phone away. "Hopefully he arrives soon, I just can't wait. Who's the loser now Blaze!"

We both start laughing before chilling out and playing some more games, he scooted his beanbag chair closer so he could lay across both large beanbags. His legs resting on the back of my beanbag while the rest of his body leaned on his bag with the chips and soda. Hours pass and I'm walking home with him, Cloud drops me off and heads back with a cheerful happy wave. I walk in and see my mom organizing things like she always does, she walks over and hugs me.

"Oh dear, Adrian's mom told me what happened. I'm so sorry, I didn't get a chance to talk to you about it when you got home." She let's go and pushes her hair back out of her face.

"It's fine mom, I'm fine for the most part. I think I just need some sleep." She smiles to me and pats me on the back.

"Oh, almost forgot." She picks up an envelope from the table and hands it to me. "The mail came by when you were gone, Adrian sent this."

I stare at it for a moment before taking it and hugging her goodnight. I head to my room opening the envelope and pulling the paper out. Another letter. I shut my door and sit on my bed, and I read.

"Dear Alex, things are not the best for me and I may not have time to explain everything. My letters are all for you, keep them and remember me. My life is not as important as yours, don't worry, I'm still here. I hope this will be enough, the hints in every letter, the stories I've told you of my life, both letter and word form. I'm sorry for this, I still love all of you. Love, Adrian." I can feel myself blacking out but I force my eyes to stay open.

I put the note on my desk and hold my head, looking to my closet I get up and pull a large box out. The box I've stored every letter Adrian sent to me since we meet. I pull letter after letter reading it once or maybe twice, each word lined with either a smile or frown.

"Dear Alex, I just wanted to thank you and Cloud for helping me. Those kids really hate me, I don't know why. But thanks, hope to talk more." The first letter he ever sent, I hold it close and careful as tears being rolling from my eyes slowly.

Every letter is something new or something retold. 'My parents are fighting a lot now, I'm wondering if it's my grade in English.' The little things. 'Dad hit mom today, her black eye is at least getting better since. But dad hasn't returned home.' The bigger things. Everything he told me. From good to bad, each letter, each word, something completely new but the same. 'Dad got drunk, he's in prison. Mom signed for a divorce but I can't bring myself to say anything. Who will I go with? I want to stay here. I'm scared.' I want to hug him, hold him close and never let go. He told me everything. 'I lost my tooth yesterday!' From when he was just a kid. 'I fell from a tree today...or maybe I let go. I don't know, I feel myself slipping away. I need a hug next time I see you.' To when his father left freshman year. Everything. He once had a bunny he named Alexander but it ran away a few days later. I can recall so many small details from his life, and holding these papers in my hands just makes me want him here in my arms. Tears come rushing down my face like a waterfall. You left me with your memories but not your smile.

"...I just want you here again..." I shuffle the papers back into a pile and into the box as I see a light go off from outside my door.

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