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emily | phoebe

Hey, Phoebe.

Hey, girl. Sorry I missed your call.

It's alright. I almost missed your call talking to someone else as well, if I'm being honest.

Was it a guy you were talking to?

Oh my gosh, why do you always assume that?

I'm just being a good friend! I want to see my friend, who has been single for wayyyy too long, have a hook up or something.

Ugh, just please stop. I'm going to be a single potato for the rest of my life.

I refuse to give up on you until you get a hot date. Anyways, you didn't answer my question.

Um...well. You weren't wrong.

Yes! Finally! You're gonna get dick!

Phoebe, what the fuck! No! It's not like that! I just call this guy to talk!

Wow, I would have never thought you, of all people, would do phone sex.

No! I don't do that! I talk about regular things that don't involve anything sexual with him. He's...a friend? Kind of?

Friends with benefits, aye?

Ugh, why am I even friends with you? You're so crazy I can't keep up sometimes.

Oh, Em, dear, you need my craziness to add some activity in your life.

The unfortunate truth.

Anyways, now I've got an idea. I'm coming over to your dorm. We should go out and score ourselves some hot guys for the night. I'll be there in a few!


[call ended]

What the hell am I supposed to do now?

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