Levi arrived at his house, opened the door, and walked upstairs, not acknowledging his poor excuse for parents, who were leaned over the kitchen table working on a new case.
He unlocked the door to his "apartment" and kicked off his shoes. He grabbed a book off of the shelf and grabbed a grape soda, laying back on the couch.
[I already miss the brat.] Levi said to himself, as he opened the Stephen King novel. He looked at the rubber band on his wrist.
What was he even going for anymore? If he couldn't see Eren, nobody was there to stop him.
"No." He said to himself as he snapped the rubber band back hard on his tender skin. He walked into the bathroom and splashed his face with cold water, only to see his eyes had already gone back to their hollow form. He also saw the marks Eren had left on his skin with his pretty pink lips, all over his neck and collarbone. Damn, he missed that kid.
Everything was better with Eren. Levi felt happier, slept better, and didn't have the urge to go into the sewer and drown. He shut off the bathroom light and once again took up his reading position on the couch. His heart naturally beat slowly, but today, it seemed even slower. Like it was barely pulling Levi along through life. As he got lost in the words of Stephen King, Levi wondered if him and Eren would actually work out with Eren's dad. Of course, Levi loved Eren. The boy knew this for a fact, and he also knew that Eren loved him back. However, being the cynical asshole he was, Levi had that one little sliver of doubt.
For the first time in 5 years, Levi coughed. His eyes opened wide as he remembered being stuck in a hospital bed, IV's running through his arms. His heart rate sped up.
[I'm going to die.] He thought as he coughed again. And again. In fact, he was in a coughing fit on the floor right then. He closed his eyes and tried his best to hold back his horrible coughing, and suddenly, he imagined Eren holding him in his arms, telling him everything would be okay. Levi ceased coughing, and ran immediately to get a glass of ice water.
Oh yes, him and Eren would be back together. Levi realized that it would be practically impossible to live without the needy brat by his side every day.

There was a knock on Levi's door. His parents were on the other side
"Do we need to bring you to the hospital?" His dad asked, not even a speck of worry on his face.
"No." Levi coldly responded, trying to shut the door. His mom held it open, and tossed him a small orange bottle with orange pills. Levi recognized it immediately.
"Only if you need it." Levi's mom said, nodding and shutting the door
Levi looked at the bottle, and looked at the dosage.
Did his parents want to kill him? He knew full well the fatal dosage for an adult was 800mg, and 500 would most likely knock him out cold. He squinted at the bottle, and promptly walked to his bathroom, spilling the dozen or so pills into the toilet, and flushing. He put the plastic container in the sink, and with a lighter, he lit it on fire. The melting plastic was a comforting sight for Levi.
No, he would not go back to his old ways. He couldn't do it, especially when he knew that Eren would be disappointed in him.

Eren walked downstairs to his dad's office. He normally wasn't allowed in, so he knocked.
"Hey dad, can we talk now?" Eren called. No response.
"Dad?" He called again. No response. He opened the door and there was nobody there. However, there were multiple medical records scattered around the table. One of them caught Eren's attention. Apparently the Rivailles had been patients of his father's, and he had suggest a rehab clinic.
Eren studied the papers, looking for one on Levi. He couldn't find it. Eren exited the doors, closed them, and walked to the kitchen. His dad was sitting at the kitchen table, looking at a document.
"Why didn't you answer?" Eren asked, sitting down next to him. Eren's dad sighed.
"I just wanted to see if you'd go looking for me." He said, rubbing his hand on his chin.
"This makes no sense," he started looking at Eren.
"It says here I never prescribed Levi codeine."
Eren's eyes shot open.
"I didn't prescribe it to him, I prescribed something similar but much less powerful and addictive." Grisha said, frowning.
"Eren, I think I believe you now." He said.
"If Levi has been clean for a year of something that he didn't need prescribed, he's clean now." Grisha finished. Eren was still in shock.
"So that means... His parents... They were the ones?"
"Seems like it. Do you know if they're on good terms?" Eren's dad asked. Eren shook his head "no."
Grisha nodded.
Eren just stood up from the table.
"Do you really think I'd date a bad guy dad?" Eren asked his father. Grisha shook his head.
"Good. Now, I love him. I wish you could accept that, and I know you might not, but just keep it under consideration, that your son loves someone dearly. Your son wants to be with that person for the rest of his life. Just remember that." Eren said, as he walked upstairs to his bedroom again.

Swim team the next day was a mix of awkward stares and whispering. Not only had both Eren and Armin been gone, but Levi had missed the past two days as well, which concluded in a meeting with Coach Pixis. The man was not very happy.
"Arlert! Jaeger! You two have been gone for a week now. What's been going on?" He asked gruffly. Armin quickly saluted,
"Sir, I got in trouble with my parents, and since Eren's dad was gone, nobody could drive him to practice."
Coach P rolled his eyes.
Eren nodded.
"It's true sir!" He said, pleading with his horribly unsociable coach. Pixis just nodded and leaned back in his chair.
"Approved. Now, Rivaille, where have you been?"
[At Eren's house, banging him until he couldn't stand anymore.] Levi thought to himself. He regained composure however and started to speak
"I wasn't feeling well." Levi responded, looking directly at his coach. Coach P rubbed his faint beard.
"What was wrong with you?" He asked.
"I was coughing a lot, and I just felt like I had a head cold."
"Rivaille, you've never missed a practice before because you've gotten sick." Coach Pixis said, resting his hand on the table.
"I may have gone somewhere unclean. Anyway, details mean nothing at this point, just know I'm feeling better and it won't happen again." Levi said, getting up from his chair. Their coach sighed.
"This better not happen again Rivaille. You're the best one on the team by far, and missing practice puts the team in a state of chaos. We also have our first away meet next weekend."
Levi nodded, before looking back sharply.
"Away? Where are we going, and do we need to book a hotel?" The short male asked, questions flying out of his usually silent mouth. Coach Pixis laughed.
"You've always been one to plan ahead Rivaille. Yes, we are going away, and yes, you'll need a hotel room. Preferably with your lane partner, unless otherwise excused by a higher authority."
Levi gave a short nod of approval and took his dismissal.
Armin and Eren tried to get up, but their coach stopped them.
"Was Rivaille really sick?" He asked Eren. Eren swallowed the spit that had been stuck in his throat.
"Yes sir." He said, nodding. Coach Pixis sighed again.
"That boy... I just don't know what to do with him. He's a fantastic athlete, super competitive, and not a bad guy, but I worry about him and his home life. Do you know anything about it Jaeger? Rivaille doesn't mention his parents, and they never come to meets."
Eren met his coach's piercing gaze. [Levi wouldn't want him to know.] Eren thought.
"No sir, he hasn't said anything to me."
The coach just nodded.
"I understand. The kid doesn't open up to anyone, and he seemed to take an instant liking towards you. If you ever get him to open up, just tell me. It would do him good to have someone like you around, to make him 't seen the kid smile in years." He sighed, looking at some paperwork.
"You kids go enjoy practice today. I made an easy set." The coach said, finalizing his report. Armin and Eren nodded and walked out the door.
Levi was already in Eren's lane, and he looked expectant.
"Are we social kicking?" Eren asked Levi. Levi shook his head.
"No, but I need to talk to you."
Eren's heart sank 17 feet below his feet into the depths of the pool. [This probably won't end well.] He thought to himself, nodding and grabbing his kickboard.

Me: So cute! *cries tears of joy in corner*
Levi: So dramatic...
Eren: Im sorry Levi but your kind of dramatic too-
Levi: Shut the fuck up!

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