Chapter Five: Half and Half

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**(y/n)'s P.O.V.**

It's been a complete day cycle within the containment area, and I had made sure to stay out of sight of any human within the zoo. If the newest addition hadn't been assimilated yet, then I didn't know what had become of him. A day cycle in the containment area usually lasts about an hour. What could be taking so long for him not to be assimilated... if he hasn't been assimilated yet. However, when the skylight turned into a moon once more, I quickly made my way back to the door. Taking my passkey, the door scanned it and opened. As I was about to step through the threshold, a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. "Ahh!" I squeaked. The door closed and the passkey dropped to the ground. I scrambled to pick it up and hide it in my hoodie pocket. Once it was safe inside my pocket, I turned to see who had grabbed me. "What on Ear- oh God." I said, a sense of dread sweeping over me when I saw that it was the new human from earth.

"How did you do that?" He asked. "None of your business!" I snapped at him, scrambling to get up. "Hey, wait!" He said, as I took out the passkey again. "What's with the snapping?" "I know that you and your little group followed me and Blue from Earth." I said, turning to glare at him with a pointed finger. "That ends here." I held passkey up to the door, where it was lifted up to the nook at the top and scanned. The door opened and I stepped outside, the passkey dropping into my hand. The human made to follow me, but I quickly pushed him back. "I know you want to bring me back to Earth, but I'm not going back to that miserable planet even if you have to drag me back." "Why not? It's not good for a human to be out here among all these gems, especially a Diamond!" My eye twitched. How dare he compare me to the race that belittles me?! "I'm am a Diamond!" I yelled at him, causing him to jump back. I quickly pulled off my hoodie, revealing my gem to him. His jaw dropped. "But... I thought that Pink Diamond was shattered thousands of years ago!"

My anger faded into uncertainty. I tilted my head at him. "... I've... never seen a human react to my gem like you just did..." "Well... uhh..." He stuttered. "Was... she shattered?" "I guess. Nobody's really told me the details of how my mom died." I said. "Just that she was shattered and that I spent a few thousand years within the confines of a bubble afterwards." "Huh... did they tell you... who did it?" He asked. I shook my head, no. He took a deep breath and moved around his loincloth to reveal a pink circular gem on his belly. Wait... "... What?!" I started freaking out. "B-but, how?!!" "Same way you came to be." He said. "You referred to Pink Diamond as your mom. Well, my mom was Rose Quartz!" "Rose Quartz?" You asked. "Never heard of her." He seemed a tiny bit more relaxed once I said that. I wonder why...

"So, you're a half gem like me." He said. "Yeah." I replied, leaning up against the doorframe. "Cool!" He said with stars in his eyes. "I guess it is..." I chuckled a little. "It's kinda nice to know I'm not the only one." "There ya go! Now we have something in common!" He grinned. "One more thing that can lead us to be buddies." "Yeah?" I laughed. "Why though? I know you didn't just get assimilated into the zoo with the intention of staying, and I'm not going back to Earth with you." "Aww, but why not? Even for a half-diamond, like you, it's not safe out here." "I beg to differ. I have Blue Diamond looking out for me. Besides, it's safer to be here than it is to be on the planet earth. There's a geo-weapon incubating under the crust that will destroy it, soon." "But, it won't!" He said, suddenly. "My friends and I made sure of that!" "... Your friends? As in, those other gems that came with you, your friends?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm Steven. Me and my friends form this group called the Crystal Gems. The tall white one is Pearl. The small red and blue ones are Ruby and Sapphire, but they usually fuse to form Garnet, a tall gem with square hair and awesome mirror shades!" Steven said. "And then there's Amethyst. She's from Earth, like us, and the other amethysts here. However, she's nicer than they are." My eyes widened at his words. "Well, that must be high praise. I love the amethysts here. They make me feel at home, for some reason. Oh, and I'm (y/n)." I said. "But, back to the matter of the gel-weapon. How did you disable it?" "I-- "Hey! What are you doing, you little troublemaker?!" An Amethyst interrupted. She scooped up Steven and growled at him to stop struggling. "You're in big trouble." A Jasper came and gave me an initial once over, before dragging me off to the health reservation sector.

"Are you alright, my Diamond?" She asked, while controlling some long, rod-like probes from a panel. "I'm fi- mmph!" One of them stuck itself inside my mouth to take my temperature. Normal, of course. Next they looked at my eyes, ears, and nose. "Ugh. I'm fine, Jasper. There's really no need for all this fuss." I groaned, massaging my face from being stretched and prodded in weird ways. "Nonsense. You said so yourself. All earthly humans despise you. How do we know he didn't hurt you?" She said. "Because, I'm telling you he didn't." I protested. "Wah!"

Once the probes, and the Jasper controlling them, had made certain that my head was not injured, they had pushed me onto my back and began to examine my gem in the light. Finding no flaws, they quickly snapped a picture. "For future reference," The Jasper said, holding up the picture panel before directing it to the side. "Why though?" I asked, before the probes sprayed me with a cold mist. "Ack!" "Disinfectant." She explained. And then came some powder of sorts. I started coughing. "Deodorant." "What are you saying?! That I smell bad?!" I asked, now thoroughly annoyed and still coughing out the bodily-invasive substance. "No. Just that you smell good, now."

I groaned. "Okay, okay. I'm alright! Are we done here, yet?!" "Yes." She said. "That earthly human shouldn't be bothering you again. But, if he does, just yell and at least one of us will come running." "What are you going to do to him?" I asked. "He didn't do anything wrong. He's not like the other earthly humans." "Would you like for us to release him back into the zoo?" She asked. "I'd like for you to let him go back to his home planet." I said. "Why? He'll die there. Earth will be destroyed once the cluster emerges." "Well, unlike me, I believe that he'd rather die on his home planet than live forever, out in space." "Still, a cluster is a monstrous way to kill a planet and the organic lifeforms that inhabit it." The Jasper said. "He can handle his own. He'll be fine." I replied. "He's like me." "He's a half-gem too?" "Yeah. But don't tell anyone. I'm half-Diamond, which makes me safe from any harm; He isn't." "Well... what gem does he have?" The Jasper asked. "A Rose Quartz gem, on his belly." I said.

All the panels clattered to the floor before disappearing. "WHAT?!!" She yelled, looking at me. "Ye--mmph!" The probes were back, doing everything that they did before, but even more thoroughly. And this time, the Jasper herself was helping them. "Hey, what are you--Ouch!" I flinched as she took some of my blood via a needle to my arm. "What are you checking for now?!" "Any form of poisoning." She said, swirling the blood around in a vial with a detective solution, while a probe placed a band-aid on my arm. "What on earth for?! Why didn't you check the first time?!" "You say that he's half-Rose Quartz?" She replied. "My Diamond, if there is anyone in the universe who is most likely to try and assassinate you, it's the guy you just had a friendly conversation with!"

"What?! How?! He didn't even try to do such a thing! He came here thinking that I was a simple human who had nothing to do with gem-kind before today!" I said. "He was coming to save me and bring me home! Why would he try to assassinate me?!" "You never know with rebels, my Diamond. Especially Rose Quartz." "What about Rose Quartz? Why do they all have such a bad reputation?" Jasper looked at me. "... I take it Blue Diamond didn't tell you." She said. "Tell me what?!" I flew my hands up into the air. She shook her head. "It's not my place. Who am I to tell you, if Blue Diamond didn't already?" "You're the one I asked?" I asked said, hoping she would oblige me an answer. "I'm sorry, my Diamond, but if Blue Diamond didn't tell you, I ought not to either." I frowned, but didn't push anymore. "May I go now?"

The Jasper nodded, compiling all the panels into a file and then closing it. "If I were you, I'd just go straight to the room of fallen quartz soldiers. Blue Diamond should be there." I nodded and pulled my hoodie back on. Then, I made my way to the room that the Jasper had said. It wasn't too hard to find the humongous door. However, Blue Diamond was not inside. Instead, there were multitudes of bubbled Rose Quartz gems. I climbed up the steps on one side of the room, all the way to the highest tier, where a single bubble floated my way. I gently held it in a way that wouldn't pop it, close enough to my face so that I could study the gem inside. It was flawless and cut exactly like Steven's. "My gosh," I muttered. "What could one Rose Quartz do that would be so horrible to have you all trapped here?"

Pink Diamond's Legacy (Blue Diamond x HalfGem!Diamond!Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang