Chapter one

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Isa's POV: I hoped on the bus after my mother  threw my bags at me. It hit my eye, it hurt really badly. I looked at the bus driver he was old and had a hook for a hand. He looked like he does drugs. I hoped on and went to the back of the bus. There was a kid in front of me who has been sleeping. He had a buzz cut and looked familiar. I just couldn't put my finger on who the kid was. After hours we finally made it. I saw a tall man with red elbows and knees. He had the biggest smile. And I knew at first that he would be the annoying counselor. I hate people who talk to much and seemed like that type of dude. As soon as I got off he asked me what happened to my eye. I told him my abusive mother threw my bags and it hit my eye. He was still smiling. It looked like he does smile practices every day. I was weirded out and went to my tent. I heard a weird meowing some where. I looked outside and there was a cat. It looked poor and beaten up. I quickly swooped up the cat in my arms and gave him some food I named him Crenshaw from a book I have recently read. I used my extra blanket I packed to make a bed for Crenshaw, Then I have him half of my granola bar and left him in my tent saying to myself that this would be my only friend. I walked around giving myself a tour after I walked away from David. He was giving that boy a tour. As I was looking at them feeling depressed inside I didn't see where I was walking and I walked right into this kid.
He had a blue hoodie, black hair, dark skin, and a yellow shirt underneath his hoodie. He glanced at me and walked away pretending nothing happened. He was going towards David and I could kinda hear him say " David. Who the hell are these people? " David looked at him and gave him a big smile then told him " Well Max, today we got some new campers! This is Loren he signed up for Behavior Camp! And that over there is Isa she signed up for... Gwen what camp did Isa be signed up for? " I looked over a bit and saw a woman with red hair, a green shirt like David's, and some brown shorts. She rolled her eyes and pulled out some papers from a desk right behind her. " Just like Max's camp. " she said. David looked confused and said " But Max didn't sign up for a camp? " Gwen nodded and put the papers back in. David looked like his heart had just broken into tiny pieces. Maybe he felt bad for me? I don't really know what he felt but I just went back to my tent and fed Crenshaw.

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