Helen Farwell

271 22 51

"Hey, Kirst I've g-"

"No. Don't say it."


"I'm on a personal day!"

"I said you can go on a personal day but you'll still be on call."

"Fine. What is it?"

"Plus, you'd know I'd only call if I had to. I've got a dead person, unknown cause of death."

"Where were they found?"

"Here's the kicker."

"Tell me the kicker."

"A dumpster."

"That's a kicker?"

"Well, it's obviously not where she died, so."


"Oh yeah, it's a she. We haven't found ID or anything yet, and I'll let you run fingerprints."

"Any police there?"

"Only to keep other people out, they haven't actually done anything."

"I'll tell my team."


"Don't tell me," Avi groans.

"I am telling you, head back home."

Avi and I had been attempting to go on our first date, which still hasn't worked out, by the way. We either don't have time, or we're interrupted on the way there.

Avi manages to pull of a U-Turn. Luckily, we weren't too far away from home so we won't be too long from the building.


After a while, everyone finally arrives at the building. Once Scott, Mitch, and Kevin caught wind of Avi and I taking personal days, they decided they would, too. Scott and Mitch seem to be almost as disgruntled as Avi and I, if not, more.

Kevin simply looks annoyed he was bugged on a personal day, but he clearly didn't have anything going on. He was glad to have the house to himself, though, considering Avi and I were attempting to go out to lunch. Avi also had something planned, however, he told me it was a surprise.

"What were you two planning to do?" I ask Scott on our way out to the car.

"Uh- nothing."

"Oh yeah?"

"Okay, well Mitch and I were kinda sorta planning on going a date."

"I thought you two broke up?"


"It didn't last long," Mitch interrupts.

I turn to Avi, smirking. Evidently, we weren't the only ones planning a date day.

After a little while, we arrive at the crime scene. Kevin hops out of the van, immediately heading over to the body. Mitch scans her fingerprints and finds out the deceased is Helen Farwell, and find out she works as a model for a few small-scale companies. Nothing major, however, her face is definitely out there. A Possible cause for murder maybe?

The body was found in an alleyway with no around it, so our suspect list is very short, to say the least.

"The body was moved," Kevin announces randomly as Scott, Mitch, Avi, and I search away fro evidence.

"What?" Mitch inquires.

"The blood coagulation. That means the body was sitting on her side, where you see the dark patches, for about 6 to 12 hours- or about 1 to 4 if she was anemic- before it was moved. Since she's lying on her back now, we know she was either turned over by someone or something or moved."

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