Eric Edison

298 22 53

"Hello, Special Agent Maldonado."

"Hello, Director Koop."

"I've got a case, it's pretty easy."

"Do tell."

"Convenience store robbed in a bad part of LA, there's security cameras and everything."

"Police couldn't handle it?"

"Rather do this or paperwork?"

"I'll tell the guys."


Esther walks out of my office and back to hers while I walk out to Scott, Mitch, Kevin, and Avi, who's deep in conversation with Kevin.

"We've got a case, but don't stress yourself out over it," I announce.

"And it is?"

"Convenience store robbed in some bad part of LA. Es says there's security cameras and witnesses and stuff."

"Great," Avi comments, "I was getting tired of paperwork."

"We all were," Mitch agrees while grabbing his gun from his desk drawer.

"I'll come as your favorite field agent," Kevin mutters, standing up as well.

"And we're off," Scott says while throwing keys at me.


We pull up to the convenience store to see a couple police officers roaming the area. I head up to one, who seems like the chief, and Avi, Scott, Mitch, and Kevin follow me. We really didn't need 5 people inspecting a small robbery, but we were bored.

The police officer ends up directing us to the owner of the store, who shows us the security tapes. There's a clear shot of the man's face, so this should be easy.

Kevin is able to use his work phone to run the guy's face and immediately gets a match.

Eric Edison, complete with this address and everything.

"Not too far from here, we could always pick him up," Scott suggests.

Suddenly my phone begins to ring with Special Agent Stephenson's name labeling it.

"Who is it?" Mitch asks.

"Stephenson, must need help with a case or something," I reply while simultaneously pressing the answer button.

"Hey, Mal, where are you? I checked your office?"

"Hello to you, too."

"Sorry, Hi, how are you doing, Mal?"

"I'm great, how's my favorite team leader?"

"Spectacular and confused, now where are you?"

"Uh, convenience store robbery. Nothing special, we already know who the guy is."

"Oh, I'm dealing with a hard case and it won't take long, but when you get back you think you could swing by my team?"

"Sure. See ya, Steph."


I end the call and turn back to the guys who are all waiting to see what Stephenson needed.

"Just needed advice on a case, how about two of you guys get Eric and the other two come with me back to the building?"

"Mitch and I can take Eric," Scott replies.

"Sounds good," Avi smiles, clearly happy about getting to be with me.

I can see Kevin internally rolling his eyes, knowing he'll be forced to deal with us.

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