I was tidying my desk when I heard Harry's door open and close telling me that he's back, then minutes later his shower started running

My phone buzzed nearly making me have a heart attack, I opened it to see that Niall wants me to meet him by games room in 5 mins

I shoved my phone in my back pocket and put my trainers on leaving my room after locking it and jogged down the stairs and through the halls being careful not to bump into people

I started to walk as there were more people in the halls now, I walked past a group of boys who turned around and started Woolf whistling at me and making cringe comments

"Let us make you feel good baby girl"

I didn't give them any attention because that's all they want and instead I carried on walking, finally, Niall came into view as he sat on a ledge that faced the courtyard, knees up to his chest with a smile on his face as he watched the girl of his dreams from afar

"Oi lover boy" I shouted causing him to lose balance and fall onto the floor, I started to laugh hysterically as he peered over the top of the ledge but quickly shuffled along the floor and slammed his back against a pillar scowling at me

He motioned for me to get down and be quiet so I covered my mouth to stop laughing and slid my back down a pillar next to his

"Angel what do you think you're playing at?" he whispers shouted furrowing his eyebrows, I shrugged my shoulders and smiled at him causing him to rub his hands over his face before crawling over to me

"Creep" I whispered but he ignored my comment "if she caught me staring at her she would want nothing to with me at all then my chances will be over for sure" he looked over the ledge once more before sighing in relief "she's gone"

I quickly stood up brushing the dirt off before helping him up

"Why did you want me anyways?"I pondered out loud once we started walking away

"Oh yeah, I need you for homework?" He said bluntly turning to me as we neared the artsy side of the school

"The fuck do you mean?" I asked getting a bit worried

"I need to take photos of someone for photography using lighting so I chose you to be my model" he explained whilst we entered the photography room picking up a camera and motioning me to a spot in the room as he pulled down the blinds and turned on a spotlight telling me to stand in front of it

After what seemed like forever he printed out the photos of me and I'm not going to lie they look really good

"I sure hope these are good enough because I'm not redoing that again" I huffed sitting on a desk as he laughed

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"I sure hope these are good enough because I'm not redoing that again" I huffed sitting on a desk as he laughed

"No I'm really proud of these actually," he said leaning back in his chair looking at the photos than me

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