Couple Confusion Chapter 16

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An: I changed the name of this book from Living with Jason and Percy! (Perjasico), to Roommates (Perjasico). Also this chapter is in Leo's Pov, which was requested a loooooong time ago. So here it is finally. Hope y'all like it. 

Leo's POV

"Yeah, so I'll come for ya on Tuesday right after school. Of course! I promise! No...nothing will catch on fire this time. Kk, byeeee." *Click I sat down on my bed and plugged my phone into the charger. We had been talking so long, it almost died.

"Are you done talking to your fake girlfriend?" Grover asked from his bed while chewing on the string of his hoodie. Frank laughed behind me like a hyena. I swear, one day I will wake up and my roommates will of turned into animals.

"You guys heard her voice!" I protested looking at each of them. "You can't deny that."

"That could of been a cousin." Frank suggested.

I shook my head smirking, " You guys are just jealous." It's not like anyone calls them to talk.

"And what would we be jealous of? We both have real girlfriends." Grover joked. Ummm, Excuuuuussseee me??? Back the frick up ya curly haired nail file.

"It's almost surprising you have a fake one." Frank mentioned. Oh snap, no he didn't. I am feeling personally attacked and I see his game. He's still all jealous since he thinks that Hazel and I had a thing. Totally untrue btw...

"Burnnn." Grover announced. Hmm, I'll show Frank and his Chinese ancestors that he can't burn me. IM FIREPROOF, BABY! I'll put dishonor on him and his cow.

"We'll see." I objected, smiling darkly. They won't know what hit them on Tuesday. Calypso's a literal Goddess. Well...named after one at least. She could smite them with one look. Kill them with a single touch. She'd beat them in anything and made them use a crutch. I will prove them all wrong.

"Do I even want to know what your thinking?" Grover asked slightly nervous. My awesomeness intimidated him a little.

"Do you value you're life?" I asked in serious tone. Grover looked concerned yet also dead inside. Haha...

"See ya later guys." Frank casually mentioned as he escaped. My guess is that he couldn't take the astonishing skills of my acting being presented before him, so he decided to leave before he imploded into a pile of gravy.

"Bye" Grover called out. I decided to passive-aggressively remain silent and just follow his actions with my gorgeous eyes. Yes. Goodbye Asian-Canadian baby sumo man.

"Have you talked to Percy recently?" Grover asked me. I began to feel a little disoriented.

" come the conversation always leads back to the main three characters when they aren't here? I I haven't seen him?..." Woah, what did I just say?

"Yeah me either... It's almost like the author wants to subtly hint at what they are doing, so the readers will still get a little bit of what they originally came for...cough cough... what?" Grover looked confused for a second. I suddenly realized that I didn't hear what he just said. Moving on I guess.

"...erm... anyways, You haven't talked to Percy? I thought he was the blue berry to your straw!" I exclaimed. These two couldn't be separated with the force of a bronze dragon back in freshman year...not that I tried or anything.

"Well, we wave if we pass each other in the halls, but we don't have any classes together and I'm usually with Juniper during breaks. He hangs with Jason and Nico. However, I did visit them on Friday to help their...oh wait, Never mind!" Grover explained before quickly ending it. Um okay then?

Roommates (Perjasico)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora