Fights- Chapter 8

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Nicos pov

In just the 2 days i have been here,  i saw my half-sister, met 6 new people ( 2 that i share a room with) , been bullied,  and held hands with a guy. I was completely not prepared for this.  I sat down at a table by myself.  At least now i have study hall with no one i know. 

"Hey Nico" Someone from behind me said. They put their arm around my shoulder and slid next to me. I looked up, and saw the one and only, Luke. He was staring at me and smirked. 

"I guess we both have study hall... Neeks." He mocked.  My eyes widened. It was perfectly normal when Hazel said it and it made me blush when Percy said it, but when Luke said it, i was very uncomfortable. 

"How did you find that out!" i nearly yelled. I shoved his arm off and scooted away.

"Such a cute nickname..." Luke commented.

"Answer my question!" I demanded setting my hands on the table a little harder then i wanted to.

"I have the upper hand ya know. You shouldn't be demanding me. " He explained. " I have my ways of finding out things. You would be surprised of the amount of people i can control. Im just adding one more. " 

"Why would i ever listen to you?"

"Because it IS the only way to keep Hazel safe. You don't want her to get hurt do you? If so, i can have that arranged."

"NO!  ... DONT YOU DARE. Don't do anything to her okay?  I.... i will do ... anything you say. Just, leave her alone." I looked to the ground and gave up. Hazel was the only other relative that i felt cared about me.  Bianca and Hazel were my best friends. Now that Bianca is gone, i have to protect Hazel.

"Glad we can come to an consensus" He said in triumph. " Lets go to somewhere, private. Bring your bag." He walked over to where the teacher was and told me to follow.

"Hey teach. Nico doesn't feel good. He needs to go to the nurse, but doesn't know where it is. Can i show him?" The teacher looked over at me. Maybe i did look sick, because the teacher let us.

"Thats nice of you Luke. Hope you feel better." The teacher let us leave with 2 passes. Luke lead the way into a secluded, dimly lit, bathroom. He waited for me to follow him inside. He made sure to lock the only entrance behind us.  

"Things wouldn't of been this hard if you remembered to meet us today like i told you to.  Because of your stupid actions your going to get hurt. ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Luke's words hurt, but it almost seemed like they weren't entirely directed towards me. He backed up slightly then swung his arm. I saw his fist coming, but it caught me off guard. His knuckles connected with my face and i stumbled backwards. I tried to dodge the second, but that seemed to make him even more enraged. He didn't just hit my face however. Almost my entire body was attacked. At one point he kicked me in the knee. It made my leg twist and i was off balanced and stumbled. The pain was instantly worse in my leg, but it wasn't enough to break anything.

 I didn't know what made him that angry, but it seemed to be anger built up for a while.  He just used me as a human punching bag and let it all out, no matter how many times i told him to stop. He started mumbling things. I picked a few words that were about his parents. One he has never met, and one that was worthless and mentally ill. I almost felt bad for him. He coped with his grief by using violence.  The bell rang, and he stopped. He composed himself in the mirror, and turned back to me.

"Give me your pass!" He demanded. He snatched it out of my hands. He reached into his bag and pulled out a few papers. "Here is my science homework. We have the same teacher, so i expect you to finish it before lunch tomorrow. He unlocked the door,stormed off , and slammed it behind him, leaving me on the floor. I felt the blood come out of my nose and drip onto the floor. I got a paper towel with some water and wiped it off.  I looked into the mirror. I could already tell my right eye would get a bruise. I adjusted my bangs so it wasn't as noticeable.  

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