Ditch Day & Thalia's party- Chapter 14

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Jason's pov

What time is it? The room seemed brighter than usual. I glanced at the alarm clock by my bed and read the digital numbers. Oh no...WE'RE LATE!

I sprang out of the covers and ran to Percy's bed, on my left.

"PERCY WAKE UP!" I shouted. Percy stirred but kept his eyes closed. He grabbed a pillow and put it around his head. I decided to grab the pillow and take the blanket somewhat off, in an attempt to wake him.

"Jasooonnnnn... Wake me up in an hour." Percy groaned and rolled over, facing away from me.

"PERCY, IT IS AN HOUR LATER!" I shouted once more. He rolled back over and uttered a confused "what..?"

"Jason...why are you shouting?" Nico asked me, slightly irritated, from the other side of the room.

"We're already late!" I repeated for what felt like the twenty third time. Luckily Nico was way more of an early person than Percy, and instantly got out of bed.

I ran over to my drawers and started frantically pulling out clothes while Percy slowly started to get up. Percy eventually got used to being awake and became a little faster.

I threw on some yellow socks, a pair of dark blue jeans, and a dark purple shirt. I can't believe we slept through the alarm! Maybe it didn't even go off?!

I jogged over to the bathroom, but my socks started sliding on the wooden floors. Before I could stop, I crashed into an unprepared Percy and we landed in an awfully suggestive position.

I heard someone quietly laughing and looked up to see Nico, starring down a us. I was about to grab onto his leg to make him trip, but he jumped onto my bed to avoid it.

When I finally managed to get to the bathroom, I combed my hair and brushed my teeth. I walked out of the room, and saw Percy. Something was off about what he was wearing, but I couldn't tell what it was.

It wasn't until we were halfway out the door when Nico mentioned, "Percy...your shirt is on backwards." We all silently directed our eyes to Percy's shirt. It was oddly high in the front, and low in the back.

"Ugh. This is a sign that we shouldn't even go to school today. Let's call in sick." Percy stated. As much as I want to miss school, I didn't want to miss work, or have absences.

"I'm down with that" Nico agreed. My opinion started to shift slightly. I knew skipping class wasn't the right thing to do, but if we had a good excuse... I closed the door.

"I'll call the front office and say that we all got each other sick. The office lady's pretty nice." Percy offered. Lying to get out of trouble was one of his good traits. He took out his phone from his pocket and started to type in numbers.

"Okay. Make it believable." I knew Percy would probably be better at this then a regular high-school student should be. I didn't doubt him for a second.

He nodded and then pressed call. When the other line answered, he hesitated at first, but then began saying the excuse while holding his nose. He additionally added a good amount of sniffs, coughs, and sneezes.

"It's done" Percy said in a fake ominous voice. He hung up the phone and sat on the edge of my bed.

"So now what? Should we talk about boys? Braid my hair?" Nico said sarcastically. He straightened out the blanket on his bed and laid on top of it.

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