Pipabeth Chapter 15

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Annabeth's pov

I awoke next to Piper on the floor, sharing the same blanket. She looked peaceful.

I sat up and trudged over to the table to check my phone. Underneath it, Leo slept. Around the rest of the room, Frank and Hazel cuddled on the couch, Jason was on the floor, Nico had his knees curled up to his stomach, Thalia and Rachel were crashed on bean bags, and Percy...Percy was in the bath tub. Yep, he's a seaweed brain.

My phone displayed 5:24am as the time. I walked over to Pipes and tapped her on the arm. I decided against waking up Hazel, since she seemed too comfortable.

"Pipes, are you awake?" I knew she wasn't awake before I originally tapped her, but this question seemed typical, when waking up someone.

She managed to open her eyes, and propped herself up. She yawned and raised her arms up in the air, stretching. I'm pretty certain that we only slept for three hours.

"Heyyy..."Pipes said while standing up. Her morning voice was literally the best sound. Its slightly lower when she first wakes up and pretty slow, yet beautiful.

 We put the blanket we had shared onto the table and then she and I linked arms. We have always linked arms with each other. Whether it's hot, after a football game, or when we were slowly walking back to our dorm with a hour of sleep, its just been one of those things.

We went back to our dorm and instantly fell asleep. When I regained consciousness, I heard the shower's water running.

After I changed my clothes, Pipes came out of the bathroom in a slightly damp t-shirt, ripped jeans. Her wet hair clung to her neck and the sides of her face.

She's always been naturally beautiful. It didn't matter what she wore, or what day it was. Her personality was special as well. With that calm and rebellious spirit, She's my partner in crime, the pepper to my salty-ness, and the one who made me realize I was gay.

"So, I was thinking we should get coffee?" She mentioned. She put a hand held towel over her head and began rubbing it around.

"Yeah, I'm down." I replied. She discarded the towel and put on some sandals as we walked out once more.

We've been to the coffee shop near the school a couple times together. It's actually where we first started talking. I used to study there all the time, and she just happened to be there. Eventually we started spending more time together, and when she told me that she wanted to be in cheer, I decided to join it to.

"Should we ask if Jason, Percy, and Nico wanna come?" Piper brought up. Personally, I preferred going with Pipes when it was just the two of us. We got into more deep conversations when we were alone, but i didn't want to argue.

"I guess." I shrugged. She knocked on their door. I heard a noise that somewhat sounded like a bark?

"Hel-achoo-lo?...sniff" The door opened. Jason leaned against the door frame with a box of tissues in his hand.

"Bless you...You good Jason?" Pipes asked.

"Yeah..well kinda achoo. We all got sick sniff..ughh." Jason explained. He opened the door a little wider, and we saw Percy and Nico laying in their beds. Nico was bundled up in so many pillows and blankets, yet Percy looked like he was burning up.

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