Chapter 1- Natalie

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"NATALIEEEE!" My mom screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Whhhaaatttt?" I moaned as I pulled the covers over my head.

"It's your first day of senior year and you're going to be late!" She yelled as she rushed into my room.

I pushed myself up slowly and shielded my sleepy eyes from the annoying amount of light pouring into the room. A light blue dress was hung neatly on my closet door with a pair of girly black flats placed neatly beneath the dress. Typical. Mom always had an idea in her mind of who I should be, but it was always something I didn't want to be.

For Mom's sake, I slipped the dress and flats on and studied myself in the mirror. The silky piece of fabric, otherwise known as a dress, stopped right above my knee. It had little lace details on the thick shoulder straps. Perfect for a preppy southern belle, which I was not. The flats had small little bows above the tip of them. Again, super girly. I'd rather wear my high top converse with skinny jeans and a t-shirt, but this was all I had for now.

Mom took an endless amount of pictures of me then shoved a granola bar in my hand and pushed me out the door. I walked to my car and threw my bag in the backseat before getting in to drive. I nibbled on my granola bar on the way there, but I wasn't really hungry. I was nervous. Junior year was tough, not just because I took college classes, but because I made more enemies without even trying. It seemed that the entire school hated me, except for my "friends" who probably still hated me.

I walked into school slowly. When I reached the entrance, I took a deep breath and pushed my way in. Students were everywhere in the tiny hallway. It looked as if all the freshmen and sophomores were being herded into the gym while the juniors and seniors were being pushed into the auditorium. For the next half hour, we were lectured about being role models. We have to help the younger kids out and be good role models and blah blah blah. I could only pay attention to the super hot guy staring at me three seats down. I ignored him as best as I could. I even twirled my curly brown hair to distract myself, but he was staring a hole into me and it started to become annoying. After our lecture was finished I marched up to him to confront him.

"I don't know who you are, but I want you to explain to me why you were staring into my soul." I spat.

"Oh, hi. My name is Isaac. You are?" He smiled.

"Um, I'm Natalie, but that's not the point. You didn't answer my question." I said, frustrated.

"Well, I think you're beautiful, but I'd obviously like to get to know you before I make irrational decisions."

"Um... What?!?"

"What class do you have first?" He asked smoothly.

"Senior Seminar. Look I really didn't want to discuss my schedule with you."

"Oh great! So do I! Let's walk together!" He said, unfazed by my frustration.

I followed him hesitantly and picked a seat right in front of the teachers desk. He laughed at me and I gave him a dirty look.

"What's so funny, Isaac?" I glared.

"Are you a teachers pet?" He giggled.

"What?!? No! I just want to hear well!"

"Natalie, this is Senior Seminar. We don't even have tests in this class."

"Yeah but we get really important information about college and my mother will kill me if I don't know every single thing about college by the time the year is over." I argued.

"Did your mom pick out your outfit today?" He smirked.

Red. All I could see was red. I was blinded by my anger at Isaac. This kid doesn't even know me. Yet he does, and he thinks I'm beautiful. Flattering but frustrating.

"Is it any of your damn business?" I spat back at him.

"Wow. You cussed. I didn't think you had it in you."

"Don't be so quick to judge. You don't know me at all." I said hatefully.

The school day dragged on forever. I had every single class with Isaac. How was I supposed to not murder him by the end of this year? God only knows.

"How was school, honey?" My mom asked as I walked in.

"Flattering." I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes.

"Uh oh."

I threw my bag on my bed and kicked off my shoes. I grabbed my laptop and scrolled through twitter. One of those annoying ads popped up. This time saying "Buy R5's new album LOUDER now!" I clicked the X as fast as I could. I really didn't care about listening to whatever band that was.

Hello, gorgeous readers! I'm super excited about this new Fanfiction! This will be in two POVs so pay close attention to the chapter names! They will tell whose POV the chapter is in! For example, the next chapter with Natalie's POV will look something like: Chapter #- Natalie. Anyway I hope you enjoy and I want all your feedback! Please comment and let me know what you think so far!

Xoxo, Josie

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