During Lariv's speech Dalek gradually felt a lump rising in his throat. The way she talked meant something bad.

"Why are you telling me this, Doc?"

"Don't you already know?"

"My time's up, you'll kill me."

All mockery left Lariv's voice. "I'm afraid so, yes."

Dalek felt cold suddenly. "What happened to, 'you'll get out of here in a year, Dalek?'"

"A Dr. Hinsis will fill in for me during my absence. He has looked through the prisoners' files already, found yours and asked me why the hell I haven't had you terminated yet. He doesn't see the need for a long-term study of the immobilizer's effects. My hands are tied, I'm sorry."

"Fuck you."

"I'm really sorry, Dalek. I hope you know that I meant it. I wouldn't have had to come here and tell you personally. I just could've ordered the guards to bring you to the death room just like that." Lariv snapped her fingers.

"You expect me to thank you, or what?"

Despite being immobilized, Dalek was shivering, his muscles quivered. He gave up trying to control his voice.

"No, I don't. I just wanted you to know that I meant it. I wanted to let you go after the Gen left. You can thank Sirid and his buddy Nal for your death. Without them, RSW headquarters wouldn't have called me to Hagesh to test all their Gen and OT personnel and Dr. Hinsis wouldn't come to replace me."

"When?" Dalek whispered.

"Tomorrow," Lariv said. "I'll leave tonight."

"Fuck you, Doc. Fuck you, mean bitch."


THEY LET KANIA out of custody after two days, but suspended her from working on the Gen. They said that the suspension was only temporary. She didn't believe them but was too exhausted to protest.

Against her will she found it quite sweet that Timon waited for her next to an e-car in front of the RSW's Hagesh headquarters.

"How did you know when they'd release me?" she asked him after a round of greetings and a hug.

"I simply asked."

Tired, Kania nodded. "Did they interrogate you as well?"

"Sure they did."

"Are you suspended too?"

"No, and I'll see to it that they'll revoke your suspension quickly."

She shook her head. "How do you want to get them to do that?"

"I might have a way. Come, let me take you home. I bet your apartment needs a bit of a cleanup. I don't want you to face that mess alone."

"You don't have to do this, Timon."

"But I want to, come on." He nodded at the car. She sighed and got in.

It felt so weird to ride home to an apartment without Sirid. Many of his things would still be there. What was she supposed to do with them?

"Did they catch Sirid?" she asked while the e-car rode them through the quivering heat of Hagesh.

"Not that I know of. But of course they're not telling me everything."

"I don't know if I want to live in that apartment anymore."

"I can imagine. You can stay at my place if you like."

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