Macbali vs Bahubali

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Bhali bhali bhali raa bhali sahore bahubali jai harathi neeke pattali pattali

With that bgm hero Macbali, marks his entry as he comes running from inside and leaps onto Sweetamma's lap. Making a full turn, he lunges on her chest sticking his tongue out. S hugs him and kisses his head.

S: Ooohhhh my Mac !! I missed you so much !!

D opens his mouth wide giving a shock reaction.

D: (Disgusted look)What this fella ?? What is he doing here ??

S: Amma and papa are going to our native for a month amma asked if I could look after him and I said ok. This morning 'banni' mama came and dropped him here.

'Banni' means 'come' in kannada. Once when Darling visited her place her uncle welcomed him saying 'banni banni' and so that stuck on D's mind hence started addressing her uncle as 'banni' mama. (Made up this one 😛)

D: Uh-hu...mmm... why do you do all this without asking me ?? As is this place is cramped, there is no space for us let alone this guy.

S: (raising an eyebrow at him) Are you for real Pabsu?? This house can accommodate a small town, it is just you me and baby living here an addition won't do any harm.

Mac jumps from S's to D's lap extending his paw to give his idol and mistress's grumpy husband a pawshake.

S: Aaaww you know Pabsu pa he is your fan... he wants a handshake. Give him na !

D hugs his son to his chest shielding him from Mac.

D: Go away you petty fella ! Are you trying to scare my son and me off ?? That won't happen!

He shoos him. Mac feels disappointed and retreats to his mistress settling himself on her lap showing his bums to D.

S: Aawww Mac.. Pabsu pa ! Why are you rude to him ?? He was being nice to you both.

D: We don't need him to be nice ! We just need him to leave !

D gets up with little rebel and goes to his room. Seeing father-son leave, Mac lifts his head and barks at them as if saying 'pls come back.' S strokes him.

S: It is ok Mac. My Pabsu is good a guy and he loves animals especially dogs but for some reason he is being cold towards you. Don't worry you are a nice chap he will be alright with you soon.

Darling n Sweetu's bedroom:

D, upset with Mac's arrival is lamenting to his son who is listening patiently and consoling his nanna with his "ooo-ooo".

D: You know baby... I love animals and pets dogs are my fav but I can't stand this guy because he takes my place whenever he is around your amma drools over him as if I don't exist I feel so miserable what does he have that I don't ?? Oh no!

He keeps a face as if he is going to cry. Seeing that baby begins to wail.

D: See, you feel for me you can't see your nanna upset. You are my son ra, my Mahendra I know uppalapati blood runs in you...

He hugs his son and his wails get stronger.

D: Oops.. he wasn't crying for me.. he is hungry. Gggrrr !!! (Looking at baby)Aren't you sad for your nanna??? Shouldn't your blood boil seeing me hurt ?? Are you taking after Shettys ? No wait actually you are a true blue uppalapatian - food first, damn the rest.

S hearing her baby's wails comes in running and takes baby from darling.

S: Oohhh my baby is hungry don't cry da..amma is here only.

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